polish lcd screen brands

As the weather warms, it"s time for everyone"s "favorite" pastime: spring cleaning. While you"re dusting off the shelves and shoveling out a winter"s worth of detritus, spare a moment to check your TV. Dust and grime can accumulate there, and over time it can become more and more noticeable. And if you have children, there may be an array of fingerprints and other smears on the screen.

Want the longer version? Here"s what the top TV manufacturers say about cleaning their screens:Cleaning your 4K, OLED, or LED TV screen with a soft, dry cloth is recommended. The goal here is to avoid scratching the screen. Gentle, circular motions tend to give better results, since the circular motion hits each area from several angles in a single swipe.

To clean the frame and screen, gently wipe it with a microfiber cleaning cloth. Make sure to wipe the TV frame and screen as gently as possible. TV screens are fragile and can be damaged when pressed too hard.

Important: Never use any type of window cleaner, soap, scouring powder, wax, or any cleanser with solvents such as alcohol, benzene, ammonia, or acetone. Never use abrasive pads or paper towels. If you do, you can scratch the screen or strip the anti-glare coating off the screen and cause permanent damage. Never spray water directly onto the TV. Make sure to wipe the TV as gently as possible. TV screens are fragile and can be damaged when pressed too hard.Gently wipe the screen or the exterior with a dry, soft cloth, such as an eyeglass cleaner.

For inks from oil markers on the screen, soak a cloth in a non-soap synthetic cleanser diluted (by less than 1% ) with water. Squeeze the cloth tightly to eliminate excess liquid, then wipe gently to remove the ink. Use non-soap cleansers cautiously because it may cause environmental problems when disposed improperly.

So why not Windex? Regular Windex is formulated for glass windows, plus a few other surfaces. It contains ammonia and alcohol, not the friendliest of chemicals. S. C. Johnson doesn"t explicitly say not to use Windex on TVs, but it offers Windex Electronics wipes and cleaners, so infer what you will. The better screen cleaners will clearly state that they do not contain alcohol or ammonia.

At last count, I found a billion companies making TV screen cleaners. Almost all of these are something like 99 percent water, 1 percent other stuff. Years ago I tested a handful and found them, on average, to work well enough. If you don"t have luck with a simple cloth and possibly distilled water, a screen cleaner is worth a try, and as a bonus you can also use it for your laptop, tablet and cell phone screens. Plus, they come with a microfiber cloth. If they don"t clearly state they don"t contain alcohol and ammonia, however, I would skip them.

So yeah, cleaning your TV is a good idea. But just remember that they"re exceptionally fragile. Why risk marring their surface by using cleaning methods the companies themselves don"t advise? If you damage your screen with cleaners, you won"t be able to fix it.

Screen cleaning kits are fine, though most people won"t need them. Remember, like all TV accessories, the store is selling them because they probably make more profit on that $20 kit than on a $500 TV.

polish lcd screen brands

Perhaps you’ve noticed that cleaning a display screen is not always as easy you’d assume. You’ve tried damping a paper towel with tap water and brushing it across your screen, only to be left with smudges, smears, and a few stubborn globs. Don’t worry… you’re not alone. This seems to be a common experience for the ever-growing number of digital device owners.

We would like to go over the proper cleaning methods so that you understand what works (and what doesn’t), and so you can relay that information to whoever might find it useful – whether that be you, your customers, your employees, or your father-in-law who just discovered the brand new world of handheld digital devices. The processes discussed here are helpful for nearly all displays, including touch screens and those with cover lenses.

Let’s go over the items you’ll need in order to clean your LCD screen. Be sure you have some kind of microfiber cloth and a cleaning solvent of some kind. As mentioned, you may already be well aware that the paper towel method isn’t effective, and that it can even cause scratches. This is why a soft cloth (or a microfiber cloth) will be a much better tool for cleaning. It is softer and does not leave particles behind that break away from the cloth, much like a paper towel does. If a dry cloth alone is not enough to get your screen up to standards, then you may want to apply the cleaning solvent.

Of course, not all solvents are created equal. Some of them work better than others for certain applications. Depending on the type of LCD display you have, you will want to do your due diligence. Many people will use distilled water as a solvent, as it has been known to be the least damaging to LCD screens. Granted, you can’t just poor it on there all willy-nilly. You don’t want to risk damaging any of the electrical components within the device.

You also should be cautious about using alcohol or ammonia based solvents, as they are capable of causing long-term damage to LCD screens, making the screen brittle and susceptible to cracking. They have also been known to cause discoloration issues. For best results, you should search for an LCD-safe solution. This, plus using the proper methods, will be the best for your LCD screen’s longevity. Here is a table that you can refer to in your search for an acceptable solvent:

polish lcd screen brands

All of us have a tendency to treat the driver"s seat as our personal throne. That"s where we"re in our element, so we get comfortable—and complacent. Whether our fingers were last tapping on our phone screen, grasping the handle of a wrench, or carefully unwrapping a half-melted Hershey bar, we all tend to jump in, tune the radio, adjust the AC, and set a destination on the nav screen—all without first washing our hands.

And if you have a family? Other drivers use the car and its touchscreen, too. Of course, kids can"t resist touching any kind of screen, ever, and who knows where those tiny fingers have been? All parents have swiped their car"s touchscreen and felt... mystery muck. Yuck.

Touchscreens are likely one of the dirtiest, most germ-covered surfaces of any automobile. Sure, your dash gets dusty and your floorboard accumulates (a disturbing amount of) trash. However, it"s that dash-mounted screen that gets the most fingers, and therefore germs, on it.

Not necessarily. Many typical household glass cleaners contain either ammonia or alcohol. Most manufacturers recommend avoiding harsh chemicals on touchscreens, as they can affect functionality and perhaps damage the surrounding dashboard.

Sure, it"s cheaper and easier to use plain ol" Windex or Glass Plus, mainly because you"ve probably already got that stuff. Despite the temptation, though, you should avoid using household glass cleaner on your car"s touchscreen unless you"re positive the one you"re using contains neither ammonia nor alcohol. Besides, you may already own a great screen cleaner and not realize it.

Many modern automotive detailing products, including Chemical Guys Interior Cleaner and Meguiar"s Total Interior Detailer, are safe and effective to use on your car"s touchscreen. Read the label to be sure.

The fact is, there"s an even less expensive method to clean your car"s touchscreen, no products required—except a microfiber towel. (Again, you want to avoid scraping dust particles across the surface of your touchscreen to prevent scratches, so always use a clean microfiber towel.)

Many of the experts and gearheads in our Hearst Autos test garage told us they rarely use any kind of cleaner on their personal touchscreens. Up and down the line, those who saw us testing and photographing screen cleaners—we"re talking about people whose opinions we trust and whose bylines our readers know and respect—told us that whenever they get behind the wheel, they just drip a bit of water onto a clean microfiber towel, and wipe. Done.

As a parent, however, I"m left asking the question: Will a simple water wipe eliminate germs in the family SUV? Yeah, no. Sorry, but knowing my children, and the impressive but disgusting level of filth they can achieve, I"m going to use a cleaning agent on my car"s touchscreen.

To get to the bottom of whether car screen cleaners were truly necessary, we used a very scientific methodology. That is, we got our fingers and hands dirty, and touched the heck out of a screen in a test vehicle in the Hearst Autos stable. We let it dry for a while, and then cleaned it according to the product"s instructions. We did that five times.

We first made sure all the products did the job they claimed to do—and they all did. The wipes left droplets on the screen, which required a second wipe with a microfiber. But they all cleaned the chocolate and grease off the screen, leaving it clean and clear.

Word to the wise: Don"t discount a screen cleaner because it leaves streaks on your screen. Take your time and do it right. We noticed far too many people online complaining that the product they used wasn"t some sort of magical solution that cleaned perfectly with just one wipe. All screen cleaners—all glass cleaners, really—will streak unless you take the time and care to give the surface a soft buff at the end of the process.

polish lcd screen brands

There are a few different types of screens, and your cleaning options vary between the surfaces. It’s critical to know how to clean your specific screen because, if you do it wrong, the active ingredients in the cleaning agents could affect the display of sensitive crystals or cause permanent damage in the form of streaks and scratches.

It doesn"t hurt to wipe down the surface of your keys and your mouse at the same time you"re cleaning your screen, since many germs are housed on those surfaces. Using a dry microfiber cloth is always safest when it comes to removing dust.

Are there different considerations for cleaning a Mac screen versus a PC screen? In short, yes. We know that there are hundreds of different computer and monitor models to consider, but in general, screens are either backlit LED made with LCD (liquid-crystal display) pixels, or a non-LCD glass-coated surface. And just to note, some of the newer matte glass screens are nano-texture glass, which require a special polishing cloth from the manufacturer and should be cleaned with nothing else.

LCD screens are more susceptible to damage by cleaning agents, but because they’re commonly used on PC laptops and standalone computer monitors, there are lots of easy-to-use products available to clean them. It’s not that they’re hard to clean, but you’ll have to be careful and diligent so you don’t damage the surface or any of the LED elements. Any cleaners that include ammonia will leave a film. Soap and water can cause damage. It’s always safest and most effective to use an LCD cleaner free of alcohol, ammonia and acetone to clean an LCD screen, but if you need a DIY fix, you’ll be successful if you use a microfiber cloth that’s sprayed lightly with a mix of vinegar and distilled water.

Most Mac computer screens are glass-coated and can be cleaned and resolved streak-free more easily than LCD products using glass cleaners, like Windex, or a cloth lightly sprayed with rubbing alcohol. Nano-texture glass screens on products like the Apple Pro Display XDR or iMac require use of the special polishing cloth sold by Apple.

For fingerprints and smudges, spray 70% isopropyl alcohol onto a cloth, or use a pre-moistened alcohol wipe or a Clorox Disinfecting Wipe, to clean non-porous surfaces like the screen; do not use bleach.

To clean spots and streaks on the surface of the screen, mist an LCD cleaning spray onto a dust-free side of your microfiber cloth; an easy DIY solution is 1:1 parts of white vinegar and distilled water.

polish lcd screen brands

Scratches on your phone screen are a nuisance, but you can fix some minor scratches on your own with household products. If your phone screen has a plastic cover, try buffing out scratches with toothpaste. Make sure you use a toothpaste with a pasty texture instead of a gel. Apply a dab of the toothpaste to a soft cloth, a cotton swab, or a soft-bristle toothbrush. Gently rub the paste over the scratched area in a circular motion until the scratch fades. Then, wipe your screen clean with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Finish up by wiping it with a dry microfiber polishing cloth. For glass screens or screen covers, use a cerium oxide glass polishing powder instead. Mix about 100 g of the powder with enough water to create a paste with a creamy consistency. Cover your speaker and any other ports, such as your charger or headphone port, with tape to keep the polish from getting in. Dip a polishing cloth in the glass polish mix and rub it vigorously over the scratched area using circular motions. After about 30 seconds, wipe away the polish and see if the scratch has faded. Repeat this process until the scratch is gone or faded to your liking. When you’re done, wipe away the polish and remove the tape. Then, go over your phone again with a clean, dry polishing cloth. To learn how to prevent scratches on your phone screen, keep reading!

polish lcd screen brands

While cleaning it with the Apple supplied polishing cloth one fine day, I didn"t notice there was some stuff on the screen or on the cloth that left a nasty line along with my wiping direction.

polish lcd screen brands

General Digital specializes in manufacturing LCD monitors and we know the struggles of maintaining a showroom-clean screen. We’re happy to share with readers our 3-step cleaning method, which will aid in the proper cleansing of your display.

Step 2) Wipe the monitor with the lint-free wipe from top to bottom vertically. Wipe slow enough to avoid redepositing particles, but fast enough to avoid leaving any smudges on your screen.

polish lcd screen brands

Here is a round up of electronics screen cleaners and LCD cleaners reviews discussing how various products work for cleaning delicate screens of fingerprints, smears, dust, and more.

In addition, if you are considering buying a new brand of product designed to clean LCD or other electronics screens you can find out what other "Mom reviewers" and other people have said about it here.

Peg has shared her 3M Computer Screen Cleaner gel review, which comes with a squeegee applicator. Peg says: Having tried many generic cleaners in the …

Georgia has shared her Innovera screen cleaning wipes review. Georgia says: These wipes are simple to use, you just open one up and clean the surface …

Di has shared her review of Endust For Electronics wipes, which she uses to clean all type of screens of various electronics in her home. Di says: I …

polish lcd screen brands

Our new line of 10.1” TFT displays with IPS technology are now available! These 10.1” IPS displays offer three interface options to choose from including RGB, LVDS, and HDMI interface, each with two touchscreen options as capacitive or without a touchscreen.

The new line of 3.5” TFT displays with IPS technology is now available! Three touchscreen options are available: capacitive, resistive, or without a touchscreen.