is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

Mandy, ETS is obviously a company that you are connected to and this could easily be taken for spam. I think we can make an exception at this time since you are asking a good market research question that may be useful to many.

Having checked out your video, I personally will not use the aftermarket screen as a replacement for my X. It just doesn"t have what I expect for a $1000 USD phone. I recognize that $300 USD for a replacement is hefty but the aftermarket screen does not appear to have the quality that I would expect for my phone.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

Since the iPhone 7/7 Plus has been released for quite a long time, finally the China made iPhone 7/7 Plus screen replacementscame out in the market. we’ve got some iPhone 7 series LCD screen replacements samples and done some tests on them, now let’s take a closer look at these new iPhone 7 series LCD screen replacements!(TianmaandLGsources for testing)

After installing all the sample screens to the iPhone 7/7 Plus rear housing assembly, we found that all the China made iPhone 7 series screen replacements are fitting well just like the original ones - the home button fits well, the screen assembly and the rear housing also fits well.

From the picture below, we can see that there is no difference between the China made iPhone 7 series display and the original ones, however, back to the rear side, we can easily figure out which one is which, cause the original one has Apple logo on it while the China made screen has none.

By comparing these two iPhone 7 screens, we can find that the screen flex cables are much different, there are extra IC on the China-Made iPhone 7 screen while the original one has none. And the original iPhone 7 series screen flex cable is integrated together while on the China-Made iPhone 7 series screen the touch function flex cable is soldered to the display and 3D touch flex cable.

Another difference between the original and China made iPhone 7 screen replacements is the exposed IC on the after-market iPhone screen, just like other China-Made iPhone 5 or 6 series screen replacement, which has more potential risk of electrostatic damage and more likely to get damaged and this problem needs to be improved.

During our test, we found that the display color between our after-market iPhone 7 screen and original screen seems a little different although they are not effecting the touch function. And to be honest, there may have some black dots on the screen because of impurities within the screen module when laminating the LCD and backlight together, without any doubt, this can be solved with technical improvement.

The screen touch sensitivity is another big concern for all of us, luckily, during our test, almost all home button and touch functionality on both iPhone 7 and 7 Plus works well, except one piece of iPhone 7, the 3D touch function is not acting so well on the central part of the screen.

The China-Made iPhone 7 series LCD screen assembly replacement still remains to be improved in quality and performance compared to the original ones, the exposed IC, heavier screen flex cable ribbon, and the screen color difference, the touch function stability, although the price is attractive. However, the China made iPhone 7 series screen replacement is under the improvement, and sooner or later their quality and performance can be quite close to original ones and acceptable, if you"re going to stock up some non-original iPhone 7 series LCD screen replacement, pay more attention and we’ll keep you updated with further information about after-market iPhone 7 series screen replacement!

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

“Original” screens are those containing LCDs manufactured for Apple. “Copy” screens are compatible replacements entirely designed and manufactured by third-party companies not associated with Apple.

LCD display panel can have poorer resolution (i.e. looks “coarser”), worse brightness, contrast and vibrancy and reduced refresh rate amongst other problems.

Changes in specification from original can result in battery and performance issues. Certain badly-engineered screens could even damage the backlight circuitry.

Customers who bring their iPhones to us for a screen repair are offered two choices of replacement- an original or a “copy” screen. The most common response is “Is there a difference- and which one would you recommend?”

Originals are those screens containing LCDs that were manufactured for Apple. So-called “copy” screens are compatible replacements, but designed and manufactured entirely independently by third-party companies, typically in China.

Our answer is simple- the original screen is the one we’d go for ourselves, every time. Some people think we make more money on them, but this isn’t the case. We recommend originals because they’re far higher quality and the price difference is fairly small.

We’d rather only fit original screens. The only reason we don’t is that many people will shop around and choose purely on price. As such, we need to offer the cheaper copy screens to remain competitive and avoid losing these customers. In some cases, they didn’t even know there was a difference in the first place- especially since it’s not in some shops’ interest to draw people’s attention to the issue!

This may well be the worst copy screen we’ve ever come across. As a result, the unfortunate customer has ended up paying twice to have their screen replaced- we’re sure that had they been properly informed, they would have chosen an original in the first place.

While the difference in price between copies and originals can vary across devices, it’s generally around £10 – £14 extra to have an original screen fitted. This really isn’t a lot considering the improved quality and reliability.

We compare our prices to our competitors- and we know that we come out of it favourably. While we have to offer copy screens to remain competitive, we always advise customers to go for the original.

When you’ve spent- directly or indirectly- several hundred pounds for an iPhone with a Retina display, it doesn’t make sense to replace it with a lower-quality screen that can make a £400 phone look like a £40 one! Not only that, but you’re likely to have fewer issues, and a longer-lasting screen.

There’s nothing stopping any random person without training or experience opening up a smartphone repair shop. As a result, the industry is full of companies with little skill or experience who are only interested in getting hold of your money and installing the cheapest parts they can find.

Many- if not most- don’t even acknowledge the existence of copy screens, let alone explain the difference to the customer. Hardly in their interest to do so if they only fit cheap, low-quality copies. Some of them can hardly be blamed- they know so little, they’re not even clear on the differences between OEM, non-OEM and copy displays themselves! Others can be more deliberately misleading… and some outright lie.

Generally, these shops are looking for the cheapest price on replacement screens.. When offered a copy at a half or a third of a price of the original, they’re going to go for that. That might be fine if they offered the customer a cheaper price- what we disagree with is selling “supermarket beans” (i.e. the copy screens) at “Heinz beans” prices!

Heading towards the “blatantly fraudulent”, we’re aware of companies that shamelessly fit copy screens while claiming them to be original. Worse, they’ll take your broken original screen and sell that to a recycler for more than they paid for your copy!

Apple tightened up their supply chain around 2015, which reduced the number of screens available for repairs and increased their price dramatically. A lot of companies went bankrupt, and Chinese manufacturers responded by making their own “copy” screens from scratch. At first, these weren’t much cheaper than the Apple ones, but the price soon fell.

We should be clear that- despite the name- “copy” screens aren’t direct copies of the Apple originals. Rather, they’re compatible replacements that have been designed from scratch and- as a result- vary in some respects that have an effect on usability and quality.

One of the most important differences between an original and a “copy” screen is how the digitizer (touch sensor) is designed. Apple has it manufactured as part of the LCD itself, whereas the copies have it on the glass.

Although there are only a small number of manufacturers of the bare LCDs themselves, these are then bought by countless other companies who add the remaining components needed to turn these into a complete working screen. As a result, you could easily end up with an LCD from the best “copy” manufacturer, but the digitizer/touch (as part of the separately-manufactured glass) from the worst.

There are countless digitizers out there, and you can only take the supplier’s word that the quality is good. Many ship good ones at first, then switch to cheaper parts to make more profit. This is particularly bad with the iPhone 6S and 6S+, since Apple moved the chips responsible for touch processing onto the LCD itself. As a result, you’re not just getting a copy screen- you’re getting copy chips too.

The performance specification (power drain, etc.) of most copy screens isn’t identical to the originals. As a result, they can drain the battery more quickly and mislead the operating system which was optimised for the original screen design.

It’s even possible that this mismatch could damage your backlight. We do a lot of subcontracted repairs for less-experienced shops, and get backlight repairs in almost every day. We’ve had cases where we fixed the circuit, fitted the new copy screen to test it, and had it break the circuit again!

Copy screens can disrupt the touch ID fingerprint reader. With the 6S, 6S+, 7 and 7+, the home button- part of the 3D touch- is part of the screen assembly. Frequently the home button flexes on aftermarket designs don’t work properly and stop the touch ID working- annoying if you use it to unlock the phone or log in to your bank.

We’ve seen many lift away from the frame that holds them in place. This usually results in the flex cable getting torn, and the screen needing replacing. You don’t even need to have dropped the phone- this often happens through general everyday wear and tear.

That brings us to another major issue with the copies. When you drop an Apple original, the glass often breaks, but if the LCD itself is intact, you can continue to use it until it’s fixed. With the copies, the touch/digitizer is on the glass and stops working when that’s broken. Even worse, the LCD itself is more likely to break due to the thinner and more fragile glass.

We’re not convinced this will happen, since Apple recently changed their repair policy to accept iPhones with third-party screens. However, it is possible that copy screens could be stopped from working via an iOS update, since those make a number of security checks.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

With the lack stock of the original iPhone 5 & 6 series LCD screen, the China made LCD screens becomes more and more popular among the repair shops. As the originaliPhone 6 Plus LCD screenprices are still high and not likely to fall down, plus more and more repair shops are tending to accept the China made LCD screens replacement instead, therefore, China made iPhone 6 Plus LCD screen appeared on the market naturally.

Recently we have got some samples of the China Made 6 Plus LCD screen, which have been called ‘LG 1:1 version’ on the market. We did some tests with these samples and found some differences compared to other China made LCD screens.

After tests, we found some differences in LCD frame height, glass screen thickness and the home button location among these 5 samples. You may wonder why these differences exist while they are sourcing from the same manufacturer?

Thus we need to learn the production process of the China made LCD screens, which was assembled by the 3rd party manufacturers, who purchased the China made LCD,LCD frame,glass lens,metal shields, screen foam and digitizer from different manufacturers, which could be original or high copied ones. Since there are some differences among theseglass lenses, LCD frames and so on, even though they shared the same LCD, there will still be some difference.

There is no doubt that significant differences existed between these 2 kinds of LCDs whether in display effect or working stability. In pursuit of greater profits, there is no strict requirements and standards for China made LCDs production process as long as the LCDs can achieve the basic using requirements. Therefore there is quite a gap in color difference, viewing angle and working stability compared to original ones, as the LCDs which are designed for the other brand cellphones, after replacing the IC and flex cable, have been inspected strictly before flowing to the market. (Such as the Samsung GalaxyS3 LCD screen assemblywhich are transformed from the GiONEE phones. Due to the few original stock in availability, most of the S3 LCD screen assemblies are produced by Samsung through transforming GiONEE LCDs.

It is said that these China made iPhone 6 Plus LCD screens are transformed from the MeiZu Meilan Note LCDs (Also features 5.5 inches) which are produced by Sharp and AUO, the overall performances of these LCD screens are better than LT/TM/JDF’s. And what’s big different from the other LCD screens is that there is one more LCD drive IC on the screen flex cable.

Because of the big production MOQ and long R & D cycle, the customized China made LCD screens had some difficulties intechnologyimprovementwith the changes of the marketing demands, while the original LCD features higher quality and reliability.

For these China made iPhone 6 Plus LCD screens, theLCD frametending to pop off and LCD screens are thicker. But in display effects, China made iPhone 6 plus LCD screens are better than5 series. Those customers who cared more about the prices will have one more choice once the improvements of the China made iPhone 6 Plus have been implemented. And we also will continue to focus on the China made iPhone 6 Plus LCD screen assembly.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

All the test procedures were analyzed in detail with opinions proposed. Now, let’s take a close look to the first China madeiPhone 7 Plus LCD Screen sample with professional testing report below.

To analyze inside layers of the iPhone screen, we tear it down layer by layer .The sample China made screen applies G + G layer structure, there is a glass base touch layer,

The quality and performance is quite close to OEM and acceptable, and sure it will come with impressive lower price offer. The display panel is China made with G + G layer structure, and the screen is assembled with a third-party driver IC solution.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

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is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

Use our “Get an Estimate” tool to review potential costs if you get service directly from Apple. The prices shown here are only for screen repair. If your iPhone needs other service, you’ll pay additional costs.

Your country or region offers AppleCare+ for this product. Screen repair (front) is eligible for coverage with a fee by using an incident of accidental damage from handling that comes with your AppleCare+ plan.

The Apple Limited Warranty covers your iPhone and the Apple-branded accessories that come in the box with your product against manufacturing issues for one year from the date you bought them. Apple-branded accessories purchased separately are covered by the Apple Limited Warranty for Accessories. This includes adapters, spare cables, wireless chargers, or cases.

Depending on the issue, you might also have coverage with AppleCare+. Terms and Conditions apply, including fees. Feature availability and options may vary by country or region.

We guarantee our service, including replacement parts, for 90 days or the remaining term of your Apple warranty or AppleCare plan, whichever is longer. This is in addition to your rights provided by consumer law.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

A question we often get asked is “Do you accept copy screens?” Put simply, we don’t- we only accept OEM and Non-OEM screens. However, people still send us copy screens for recycling and refurbishing, possibly because the difference isn’t as clear as it might be.

This didn’t stop wholesalers in China referring to iPhone screens as “original”, “high copy” or “copy”. However, this didn’t refer to the screen per se. This actually meant the quality of the glass, frame and small parts on the screen rather than the LCD itself.

If you bought “original” quality then you would have been sent a screen that came from one of the factories making screens for Apple, which was refurbished with as close to original parts as possible or was pulled from a new phone. “Copy” and “high copy” screens still used an original LCD but were refurbished with lower quality parts– exactly there the “copy” came into play.

In 2015 there was a major shortage of iPhone screens and this drove the price to more than three or four times the regular selling price. This forced the factories in China to develop their own screen so the shortage didn’t affect them. These screens are made in a completely different way to the original Apple screens, and the quality varies depending on the factory making the LCD and the factory assembling it.

Apart from the difference in quality, an OEM screen (i.e. an original Apple one), has the touch on the LCD. During refurbishment the glass is removed and the touch stays with the LCD. This is the same with non-OEM screens as these use the original Apple LCD.

However, copy screens are entirely different as most of those have the touch on the glass. Once the broken glass is removed the touch is lost. While copy screens can be refurbished they take more work than an original screen and have next to no value especially as the cost of copy screens is dropping all the time.

There are a number of identifying marks you can use to determine if the screen is OEM, non-OEM or a copy. This varies from model to model and the lists given below are not exhaustive. These are simply the things we use to determine which type of screen it is.

Copy screens are entirely new screens designed and manufactured by independent third parties without the involvement or endorsement of Apple. To spot a copy screen:-

When you’ve been checking screens for as long as we have it becomes second nature to determine the type of screen it is in seconds. When we’re testing a batch of screens that comes in, any copy screens are filtered out without checking if they work because we don’t recycle or refurbish these. The original screens are then processed to be tested and dealt with under the service you’ve requested.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

With, one of the world"s largest marketplaces for B2B shipments, you can find all the wholesale iphone parts china you need. From charger flex cables to on off switch flex cables, all the cables inside a smartphone housing can be replaced with the options available here.

With the growing demand for smartphones and relatively fragile nature compared to old phones, there is a huge need for iphone parts china from technicians and owners to replace their faulty ones. When a rear camera breaks the first point of failure to check is the rear camera flex cable. Phone volume flex cables and power button flex cables are also notoriously prone to failure and need replacements.

But not to worry, on our platform, all types of iphone parts china are available to fit any configuration based on the phone model. From volume button flex cables to front camera flex cables, we have it all. These cables are made with flat solid conductors and made for flexibility to fit compact phone housing.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

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is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

The touch glass is the exterior layer on your iPhone’s display, between layers of plastic film. The LCD screen is entirely responsible for the display and touch-response function of your iPhone.

Usually when your customers iPhone screen broken, must be replace a full screen. But some of repairer will buyback the original LCD screen to make the screen price is better.

How to do it? When the customer’s the iPhone touch glass is broken, and the LCD is original quality. They will replacement all complete full screen, but only charge the touch glass price and keep the LCD screen. Which means they buyback the original LCD screen and can replacement the glass to make a new refurbished original screen.

The development of the iPhone screen is constantly going on, so there are different qualities to meet the requirements of different customers. We always need high standards and reasonable cost-effective screens.

Mocan Technology is experienced in this industry, We know all iPhone screen quality in the market.  Here is a detailed explanation of the iPhone screen replacement quality.OEM New Screen

This implies that a factory can recycle a lot of used iPhone screens from various places, The LCD is functioning well but the glass is broken. then LCD is going to be used to make another iPhone screen.

The process involves dis-assembly of touch glass, The technicians use the screen separation machine to separate the broken glass and replace it with a brand new glass. Thereafter, they are pressed together with an integral frame.

Due to the many years of experience in the factory, the quality is also very stable for just replacing a brand new high-quality glass. At the same time, it can meet the needs of many clients for original high quality.OEM Material Screen

However, iPhone OEM screen supplied by Mocan Technology can be understood as buying raw materials from the original factory and then producing them by ourselves. The specifications and patterns are the same as the original.

In the aftermarket, you will hear about Tianma, Longteng, BOE, AUO, Shen Chao, etc.  They are all regarded as “aftermarket screen” or “Grade AAA “screen.

I once chatted with the owner of a certain factory here in China, I then found out that the iPhone screens were not produced by the Tianma or AUO. Instead, they only provided the raw materials and how to produce it. Then, the third-party factories to produce screen.

Then we also asked him “How to distinguish between Tianma and AUO screens?” He told us that it is almost impossible to see the difference in appearance.

Usually, the stability of the Tianma screen is the best, but if you have a lot of problems with the long-term purchase of the same product, The AUO is also a good choice.ESR LCD Screen

It uses imported backlight and frame glue. The outstanding performance is that the brightness of the display is brighter than all the aftermarket screens. Besides, the resolution of the display of the entire screen is similar to the original.Different product prices always correspond to different customer groups. No one has to make a rule saying which screen should be used.

Maybe you know also know the HO3, AQ5, HQ5, EBS or EBS pro of iPhone screen. To be frank, different supplier just gives the iPhone screen a different name, but all screens are essentially about improving the resolution, fluency, durability, and brightness of the screen. We think that this type of product is the same as the screen of the ESR LCD we supply.

The development of the market is determined by consumers and is driven by our suppliers and procurement. So we launched so many products for clients to choose, the products recommended by most people is the most worth buying.

Whether you are planning to enter the repair industry or already a senior purchase? Please do not hesitate to contact Mocan Technology for any questions that relate to supply and manufacture of iPhone battery.

iPhone screen prices are currently stable and usually, do not change much in a month. Prices will only decrease as the number increases and will change depending on exchange rates. Normal quotes do not include shipping costs unless otherwise stated.

Prepare a test board of the same type in advance and connect the iPhone screen to the test board through the test cable. It does not need to be installed and only needs to be connected. if the screen was damaged, when you turn on the power, you will see a row of cables appearing on the screen. This is definitely not acceptable. Like this.

1, After we connect the screen to the test board, first of all, need to check the appearance. ear off the outer protective film, see if the touch glass has scratches and many other aspects that are checked during the appearance checking.

2, Then, open the black and white pictures, we can observe the brightness of the screen, backlight, and see if there are any small scratches and dead spots.

Usually, the factory will test the screen for us first, and then our company’s procurement will test the screen again. If there is an unqualified product, it will be replaced at that time. After the gadgets are all installed on the screen, we will check the screen again.

We will communicate with you by mail, WhatsApp or Skype. During communication, you can pose questions and we will answer very fast. We will also introduce our iPhone screen and other products and tell you about the help and support we can give you. Let our advantages is your advantages.

3,If there are no problems on the purchase invoice, we will start preparing your order immediately after you pay, Usually, we need 24-48 hours to ship the goods. The delivery time also depends on the number of products. The more products the more time we need to prepare. Of course, we will tell you when it is time to ship.

There are a lot of couriers that can be shipped but our standard is to be good, safe, and fast. Therefore, we have experience of sending goods from China to ship iPhone screen to Europe, the U.S, Australia, and New Zealand.

1, Keep Real. The quality of all products can be clearly stated, and the explanations can be clearly given in the face of various problems raised by clients.

2, Professional. Everyone used to be a new guy, but in the face of the client must have a certain degree of professionalism, to have a very good understanding of the iPhone screen. We need to immediately match when talking about a product. and can provide their own professional advice to the client but can not make decisions for clients.

3, Patience. From the emergence of the first generation of iPhone, 11 years have passed, the price of the iPhone screen is relatively transparent, so sometimes we can get more inquiry but no order. Maybe the product is not obvious advantages, but the attitude of each sales rep is very important.

We do business is the exchange between people, sincere and patient treatment of each customer, and believe that customers will not let us down. Let us help us first and then wait for the opportunity.

Mocan Technology is a supplier with 6 years experience in iPhone screen. We understand all product details, how to control quality, how to ship and provide a lifetime warranty.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

SIQI TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED is a professional wholesaler & exporter for top selling cell phone brand repair parts and accessories in Shenzhen, China since 2012.

We mainly provide iPhone, iPad, Samsung, etc famous brand parts, covering the LCD displays, touch screen digitizers, glass lenses, back cover, flex cable, vibrator, speaker, back and front cameras, accessories, etc.

is my iphone lcd screen broken made in china

An iPhone screen is made up of several layers of glass, films, adhesives, flex cables, LED’s and more. In order to have a True OEM screen, every single one of those layers needs to be made from the original OEM material, supplied by the original manufacturer, and assembled by the original assembly provider.

Due to Apple’s restrictive policies on repair, OEM Apple iPhone parts are nearly impossible to get. If you are lucky enough to get one, it is very difficult to even distinguish it from the most premium replacement screens. Realistically, as long as the screen is made with high-end replacement parts and assembled by a reliable assembler you should have a great experience. If not, just ask your repair tech for help.

The most important difference in replacement iPhone screens is the LED. Some have aftermarket LED’s and some do not. There are several factories in China that manufacture aftermarket LED screens for iPhones and most of them are similar quality, with slight variances. After the manufacturing process comes the assembly process. The assembly process is truly what separates standard quality and premium quality iPhone replacement screens. There are thousands of businesses and individuals that assemble aftermarket iPhone screens. If your screen comes from a top rate assembler, they will use higher quality top glass, digitizer, led, polarizer, adhesives, frame etc. The combination of premium parts and a top rate assembly team is what really makes a premium iPhone replacement screen.

Most of the time, you will be satisfied with a standard quality screen, and it can save you $20-$60. The most common complaints with standard quality are; faster breaks, poor touch function, poor color or cosmetic defects. If you use your phone a lot, you may want to upgrade to the Premium iPhone replacement screens. Premium Screens will be very close to perfect cosmetically, functionally, and should last until you drop it again.