lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

Vary the speed of your large DC motor (up to 50 Amps) with this heavy-duty circuit without sacrificing torque. Gear boxes can be costly and series resistors may cause stalling and overheating. This circuit delivers the voltage to DC motors with pulses and the speed is controlled via pulse-width modulation (PWM). This model also allows you to vary the frequency of the pulse.  MX068.

This PWM DC motor controller circuit can be used for generating hydrogen (Brown’s gas), build your own fuel cell station. More common uses include controlling DC motors in golf carts, buggies, RC cars, robotics, DC hobby motors, toy DC motors, etc. Additional cooling (fan cooling) may be required depending on current load and frequency.

lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

Since 1995, Carl’s Electronics continues to grow by offering fun and exciting projects for electronics enthusiasts. Our mission is to provide quality products at reasonable prices, and deliver them in a timely manner. Each customer is tremendously important to us. As we move forward with new products and new customers, our motto remains the same: our customers come first!

lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

Control the speed of a DC motor without sacrificing torque. This Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) DC motor controller can provide up to a maximum continuous current of 50A to your DC motor or other DC load thanks to a digital microcontroller based (PIC) design and highly efficient High-Power MOSFET for cooler operation.An optional LCD module (CanaKit part # LCD1133) is also available that will precisely indicate the currently set frequency and duty cycle for accurate control of the PWM signal.The controller has two modes of operation: Fixed or Variable frequency. The fixed frequency mode of operation runs the controller at 100 Hz. In the variable frequency mode of operation, the frequency is adjustable from 244 Hz to 3.125 KHz. Duty cycle is fully adjustable from 0% to 100% in both modes.The controller also offers built-in soft-start feature that greatly reduces the mechanical stress on the motor as well as the electrodynamic stress on the attached cables and battery therefore extending the life span of the whole system. When power is connected to the circuit, the duty cycle will start from 0% and go up to the preset value in about 1 to 1.5 seconds.A 12V DC fan is included with the motor controller for robust reliable continued operation under heavy loads. Please note that DC fan is only designed to work with a supply voltage of up to 12V DC. Applications: Motor Control, HHO, DC / LED Light Dimmer, Heating Control, etc.Dimensions: 4.03" x 2.82"

lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

Control the speed of a DC motor without sacrificing torque. This Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) DC motor controller can provide up to a maximum continuous current of 50A to your DC motor or other DC load thanks to a digital microcontroller based (PIC) design and highly efficient High-Power 202A MOSFET for cooler operation.An optional LCD module is also available that will precisely indicate the currently set frequency and duty cycle for accurate control of the PWM signal. The controller has two modes of operation: Fixed or Variable frequency. The fixed frequency mode of operation runs the controller at 120 Hz. In the variable frequency mode of operation, the frequency is adjustable from 400 Hz to 3 KHz. Duty cycle is fully adjustable from 0% to 100% in both modes. A DC fan is included with the motor controller for robust reliable continued operation under heavy loads. Please note that DC fan is only designed to work with a supply voltage of up to 12V DC. For higher voltage operation, the DC fan will need to be replaced.

lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to control DC motors using Arduino. We well take a look at some basic techniques for controlling DC motors and make two example through which we will learn how to control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board.

We can control the speed of the DC motor by simply controlling the input voltage to the motor and the most common method of doing that is by using PWM signal.

PWM, or pulse width modulation is a technique which allows us to adjust the average value of the voltage that’s going to the electronic device by turning on and off the power at a fast rate. The average voltage depends on the duty cycle, or the amount of time the signal is ON versus the amount of time the signal is OFF in a single period of time.

So depending on the size of the motor, we can simply connect an Arduino PWM output to the base of transistor or the gate of a MOSFET and control the speed of the motor by controlling the PWM output. The low power Arduino PWM signal switches on and off the gate at the MOSFET through which the high power motor is driven.

On the other hand, for controlling the rotation direction, we just need to inverse the direction of the current flow through the motor, and the most common method of doing that is by using an H-Bridge. An H-Bridge circuit contains four switching elements, transistors or MOSFETs, with the motor at the center forming an H-like configuration. By activating two particular switches at the same time we can change the direction of the current flow, thus change the rotation direction of the motor.

So if we combine these two methods, the PWM and the H-Bridge, we can have a complete control over the DC motor. There are many DC motor drivers that have these features and the L298N is one of them.

The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction control of two DC motors at the same time. The module can drive DC motors that have voltages between 5 and 35V, with a peak current up to 2A.

Let’s take a closer look at the pinout of L298N module and explain how it works. The module has two screw terminal blocks for the motor A and B, and another screw terminal block for the Ground pin, the VCC for motor and a 5V pin which can either be an input or output.

This depends on the voltage used at the motors VCC. The module have an onboard 5V regulator which is either enabled or disabled using a jumper. If the motor supply voltage is up to 12V we can enable the 5V regulator and the 5V pin can be used as output, for example for powering our Arduino board. But if the motor voltage is greater than 12V we must disconnect the jumper because those voltages will cause damage to the onboard 5V regulator. In this case the 5V pin will be used as input as we need connect it to a 5V power supply in order the IC to work properly.

We can note here that this IC makes a voltage drop of about 2V. So for example, if we use a 12V power supply, the voltage at motors terminals will be about 10V, which means that we won’t be able to get the maximum speed out of our 12V DC motor.

Next are the logic control inputs. The Enable A and Enable B pins are used for enabling and controlling the speed of the motor. If a jumper is present on this pin, the motor will be enabled and work at maximum speed, and if we remove the jumper we can connect a PWM input to this pin and in that way control the speed of the motor. If we connect this pin to a Ground the motor will be disabled.

Next, the Input 1 and Input 2 pins are used for controlling the rotation direction of the motor A, and the inputs 3 and 4 for the motor B. Using these pins we actually control the switches of the H-Bridge inside the L298N IC. If input 1 is LOW and input 2 is HIGH the motor will move forward, and vice versa, if input 1 is HIGH and input 2 is LOW the motor will move backward. In case both inputs are same, either LOW or HIGH the motor will stop. The same applies for the inputs 3 and 4 and the motor B.

Now let’s make some practical applications. In the first example we will control the speed of the motor using a potentiometer and change the rotation direction using a push button. Here’s the circuit schematics.

Description: So first we need to define the pins and some variables needed for the program. In the setup section we need to set the pin modes and the initial rotation direction of the motor. In the loop section we start by reading the potentiometer value and then map the value that we get from it which is from 0 to 1023, to a value from 0 to 255 for the PWM signal, or that’s 0 to 100% duty cycle of the PWM signal. Then using the analogWrite() function we send the PWM signal to the Enable pin of the L298N board, which actually drives the motor.

Next, we check whether we have pressed the button, and if that’s true, we will change the rotation direction of the motor by setting the Input 1 and Input 2 states inversely. The push button will work as toggle button and each time we press it, it will change the rotation direction of the motor.

All we need is 2 DC Motors, the L298N motor driver, an Arduino board and a joystick for the control. As for the power supply, I chose to use three 3.7V Li-ion batteries, providing total of 11V. I made the chassis out of 3 mm tick plywood, attached the motors to it using metal brackets, attached wheels to the motors and in front attached a swivel wheel.

We will add a little tolerance and consider the values from 470 to 550 as center. So if we move the Y axis of joystick backward and the value goes below 470 we will set the two motors rotation direction to backward using the four input pins. Then, we will convert the declining values from 470 to 0 into increasing PWM values from 0 to 255 which is actually the speed of the motor.

Similar, if we move the Y axis of the joystick forward and the value goes above 550 we will set the motors to move forward and convert the readings from 550 to 1023 into PWM values from 0 to 255. If the joystick stays in its center the motors speed will be zero.

So again, first we need to convert the X axis readings into speed values from 0 to 255. For moving left, we use this value to decrease the left motor speed and increase the right motor speed. Here, because of the arithmetic functions we use two additional “if” statements to confine the range of the motor speed from 0 to 255.

Depending on the applied voltage and the motor itself, at lower speeds the motor is not able to start moving and it produces a buzzing sound. In my case, the motors were not able to move if the value of the PWM signal was below 70. Therefore using this two if statements I actually confined to speed range from 70 to 255. At the end we just send the final motor speeds or PWM signal to the enable pins of the L298N driver.

So that would be all for this tutorial, and in my next video we will upgrade this Arduino robot car, by adding a Bluetooth and Radio devices for enabling smartphone and wireless control.

lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

A circuit which enables a user to linearly control the speed of a connected motor by rotating an attached potentiometer is called a motor speed controller circuit.

3 easy to build speed controller circuits for DC motors are presented here, one using MOSFET IRF540, second using IC 555 and the third concept with IC 556 featuring torque processing.

In the above DC motor controller design, the pot adjustment creates a varying potential difference across the gate of the mosfet, and the source pin of the mosfet simply follows the value of this potential difference and adjusts the voltage across the motor accordingly.

It implies that the source will be always 4 or 5V lagging behind the gate voltage and vary up/down with this difference, presenting a varying voltage between 2V and 7V across the motor.

When the gate voltage is around 7V, the source pin will supply the minimum 2V to the motor causing a very slow spin on the motor, and 7V will be available across the source pin when the pot adjustment generates the full 12V across the gate of the mosfet.

When it comes to controlling motor speed uniformly and efficiently, a PWM based controller becomes the ideal option, here we will learn more, regarding a simple circuit to implement this operation.

You can add LEDs parallel to the motor for getting a quick speed indication. The LEDs must have different forward voltage drop specifications, as we have for red, orange, yellow, and green LEDs. Due to the incrementing forward voltage ratings of the LEDs, they gradually light up sequentially as the voltage across the motor is increased, which also indicates the speed of the motor

The next figure below shows a very simple DC motor speed controller circuit that employs a MOSFET as a high-power potentiometer (rheostat). The circuit is designed to work with 12 volt DC motors having a peak current usage of below 5 amp.

There can be a significant level of ripple on this DC output, however it is unimportant in this application. Tr1 provides power to the load and is biased through a resistive divider circuit consisting of R1, VR1, and R2.

The gate bias voltage provided to Tr1 might not be adequate to allow the MOSFET to conduct meaningfully with the wiper of VR1 at the R2 end of its rotation, and the motor will not operate. Advancing the wiper of VR1 towards the opposite end of its rotation allows a constantly increasing bias to be supplied to Tr1, resulting in a steadily decreasing drain to source resistance.

Because of this, the power delivered to the motor rises in tandem with the motor"s speed, until Tr1 reaches saturation (where the motor runs at its full speed). VR1 may therefore be used to change the motor"s speed from minimum to maximum speed.

C2 filters away any amount of mains hum or other electrical noise that could otherwise be picked up by Tr1"s high impedance gate circuit, preventing the motor speed from being reduced to zero. D3 is a safety diode that inhibits any excessive reverse voltage spikes that may occur as a result of the motor"s excessively inductive load.

It is interesting to note that, C1 has two discretely set paths for the process of charging and discharging via the diodes D1, D2 and through the resistance arms set by the pot respectively.

It means the sum of the resistances encountered by C1 while charging and discharging remains the same no matter how the pot is set, therefore the wavelength of the out put pulse always remains the same.

Since the charge and discharge time periods is directly connected with the output duty cycle, it varies according to the adjustment of the pot, giving form to the intended varying PWM pulses at the output.

In the above video clip we can see how the IC 555 based design is used for controlling speed of a DC motor. As you may witness, although the bulb works perfectly in response to the PWMs and varies its intensity from minimum glow to maximum low, the motor does not.

This does not mean the circuit has problems, it is because the DC motor armature is held between a pair of magnets tightly. To initiate a start the armature has to jump its rotation across the two poles of the magnet which cannot happen with a slow and gentle movement. It has to initiate with a thrust.

That"s exactly why the motor initially requires a higher adjustments for the PWM and once the rotation is initiated the armature gains some kinetic energy and now achieving slower speed becomes feasible through narrower PWMs.

Having said this, the motor could show a better control at the slower levels if the motor is attached or strapped with a load through gears or pulley system.

The proposed circuit is completely free from the above shortcomings and is able to generate and sustain high torque levels even at lowest possible speeds.

Before we discuss the proposed PWM motor controller circuit, we would also want to learn the simpler alternative which is not so efficient. Nonetheless, it may be considered reasonably good as long as the load over the motor is not high, and as long as the speed is not reduced to minimum levels.

The figure shows how a single 556 IC can be employed for controlling speed of a connected motor, we won’t go into the details, the only notable drawback of this configuration is that the torque is directly proportional to the speed of the motor.

Coming back to the proposed high torque speed controller circuit design, here we have used two 555 ICs instead of one or rather a single IC 556 that contains two 555 ICs in one package.

This varying voltage applied to the 556 IC is used to vary the PWM of the pulses at the output and which eventually is used for the speed regulation of the connected motor.

Although the single MOSFET linear motor speed controller layouts explained at the beginning of the article includes the benefit of simplicity, bu these may have a handful of down sides. One of them is that there exists a significant level of dissipation in the MOSFET, specifically when the motor is tweaked for approximately 50 percent of the optimum speed. This may be certainly not a serious issue however, and just requires the installing of a moderately large heatsink on the MOSFET.

A much more critical concern is that the motor is likely to stall as soon as this kind of linear controller is adjusted for any lower speeds. This is because the MOSFET in this situation has a relatively high resistance, which offers the supply input with a significantly high output impedance.

When the load on the motor is increased, it attempts to draw excessive amounts of supply current, but this leads to a larger voltage drop across the transistor and a lower supply voltage across the motor. As a result, the power delivered to the motor does not vary significantly, rather it decreases. Due to this, the motor has a propensity to stall. Also, there is an opposite reaction in which lowering the load on the motor cuts its current drain, resulting in a greater supply voltage and a significant rise in motor speed.

One method of implementing this, and the one employed here, is to have a circuit that provides a fixed output pulse duration while altering the frequency of the pulses to modify the motor speed. A low frequency produces long gaps between pulses and feeds a relatively low power to the motor.

When the frequency is increased, there are no noticeable gaps between the pulses, and the motor receives a nearly constant signal. This results in a high average power in the motor, which runs at full speed. The benefit of this system is that when the motor is being pulsed, it is essentially getting the full power during the ON periods of the pulses, and is free to consume a large supply current if the load on the motor actually demands it.

This pwm circuit is built using two of the four gates of a CMOS 4001 device, which are utilized in a CMOS astable setup that is quite a conventional design.

A couple of timing resistors can be seen connected between the output of gate 1 and the junction of R1 and C2, which differs from the conventional PWM design. VR1 and R2 are the two resistors, along with guiding diodes D3 and D4 connected in series with the output of NAND gate 1.

The period of the output pulses is constant since R2 has a predetermined value. The interval between them could be changed by varying VR1. This will be nearly zero when it is adjusted for lowest resistance. The output mark space ratio is greater than ten to one at maximum resistance.

VR1, therefore, could be adjusted to generate the desired motor speed with effective torque, with the lowest speed happening at full resistance and the highest speed occurring at zero resistance.

An extremely refined or intricate control of a d.c. motor could be achieved making use of an op-amp and a tacho-generator. The op-amp is rigged as a voltage sensitive switch. In the circuit demonstrated below, as soon as the output of the tacho-generator is lower than the preset reference voltage the switching transistor be turned ON and 100 % power will be provided to the motor.

The reference voltage could be fixed through thermistors, or an LDR etc. The experimental set up indicated in the circuit diagram made use of an RCA 3047A op amp, and a 0.25W 6V motor as tacho-generator which generated around 4V at 13000 r.p.m for the intended feedback.

The above diagram shows a basic PWM motor control circuit using the IC LM3524. The design additionally incorporates a sensor based feedback control through the IC LM2907.

A small magnet is attached with the motor shaft, such that during the rotations, the magnet goes past closely to an iron core pickup coil transformer. The mechanism, causes the rotating magnet to induce a sharp electrical pulse in the pickup coil, which is used by the LM2907 as a trigger input and appropriately processed as the feedback control pulse to the LM3524 IC.

The feedback system ensures that the speed of the once set can never deviate from the set point, providing a precise control of the speed. The pot at pin#2 of the LM3524 is used for controlling the speed of the motor.

Here, the back EMF from the motor is utilized as the feedback signal and applied to the input of the IC LF198. In case the speed tends to rise beyond the set level, the LF198 compares the rising EMF signal with the sample reference signal from the LM393 output. The resulting output is sent to the error amplifier of the IC LM3524 for the necessary processing of the output PWM to the driver transistors. The controlled PWM due to this sensor-less feedback through the back EMF ultimately enables the motor to remain precisely fixed at a correct speed, as adjusted by the pin#2 potentiometer.

lcd module for 50a dc pwm motor speed controller assembled free sample

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