bug inside lcd screen supplier

Picture this. You’re looking forward to your favourite release of the year, a new DOOM. And you’ve got a fancy $1000 monitor to play it on. There’s just one small problem. One day, you wake up and discover a bug has somehow carked it in your screen. No problem: the monitor’s well under warranty. So everything should be OK, right?

That’s what happened to long time Australian gamer Narull. Just before Christmas, he forked out the money for a very nice 1440p IPS screen, the 165Hz ASUS ROG Swift PG279QE. It’s a good gaming screen and one that you think would be perfect for games like DOOM Eternal, with all their colour and blood.

Narull didn’t even have the option of blaming himself and wallowing in self-pity, like Kirk did. Like most people, he asked the simple question: how the hell did the bug get inside his monitor to begin with?

Yeah, I bought it end of November, been working perfectly since then this bug appears inside it on Sunday night. I assumed monitors were sealed but I guess not…?— Narull (@Narull) March 17, 2020

But all was still looking well at this point. The monitor was not only within warranty under Australian consumer law, but ASUS’s limited 12 month warranty. Parts weren’t required, because all a competent repairer needs to do is pull the screen apart and clean the gunk from the protective layer that sits between the LCD panel and the screen. There’s plenty of legitimate precedent for it being free, too. LCD screens are a bright light source, and naturally small insects and moths are going to gravitate towards them. It’s the manufacturer’s job to make sure they can’t get inside.

Well that confirmed @ASUSAU don"t deal with small problems first I guess. Over a week to take an insect out of a screen (and I"m expecting longer honestly)

It pisses me off. Screw you ASUS for having a fucking $1000 monitor that insects can get inside of. pic.twitter.com/lPjfkuJFfp— Narull (@Narull) March 19, 2020

Things were looking up. Sort of. A ticket on the official ASUS support page replied: they’d deal with the issue, but not immediately. Narull would get his PG279QE screen back on March 25, two days after DOOM Eternal‘s official launch. Not ideal, but at least someone was putting the poor bug where they belonged.

But a lot can change in 24 hours. On Thursday morning, Narull received a response from a different ASUS support member. “After inspecting the LCD, we are determined the LCD have insect inside the panel unfortunately insect damage is not covered under the manufactory warranty,” an email from ASUS read, directing Narull to ASUS’s policy for Australia and New Zealand where “contamination with hazardous substances, diseases, vermin or radiation” is not covered under warranty.

Naturally, Narull was perplexed. ASUS initially accepted the support request and said they’d send the monitor back within a week, only to say new parts were needed. Then to turn around and say the monitor couldn’t be “repaired” at all, even though the monitor doesn’t need an actual repair. It just needs the bug cleaned out of the panel (and maybe some questions answered as to how the bloody thing could get inside to begin with).

It’s not a huge stretch to say monitors should be built in a way that doesn’t allow bugs or insects to crawl inside the panel. LCD/LED screens are giant sources of light. Of course they’re going to attract moths, mosquitoes, tiny flies and whatever else comes in from outside the window. One would assume they’d be built to keep critters at bay, even with modern monitors having more aggressive cooling mechanisms.

“It makes me wonder what they lodged [the issue] as,” Narull told Kotaku Australia. “When I first called and they ask the issue I said ‘there is an insect inside the panel’ but clearly the service centre did not know that, so what did they lodge the issue as?”

It’s not the customer experience you’d expect after buying a $1000 monitor. Generally, most brands are pretty good about support on their premium products. You’ve already paid several hundred, or almost a grand in this case. Having a bug that can climb into the screen and die is obviously a suboptimal experience. I get why a company might try and reject it after a year – especially if the user is dumb enough to squish the bug themselves.

Kotaku Australia emailed ASUS’s local team for comment, asking for an explanation on how the customer service should have functioned, what steps they would take to improve logging of customer complaints in the future and their approach to dealing with small insects getting inside enclosed monitor units. I also asked what their official advice was to users who discovered bugs inside their monitor – if ASUS isn’t going to cover it, should users try and fix it themselves? Can they fix it themselves?

As for small insects, ASUS said monitors are “not a completely sealed device” and customers should be patient if they discover one. “When customers find an insect in their screen, we would suggest him or her to wait the insect to get out by itself while it’s still alive,” ASUS said. “However, if the insect has already dead in the screen, the customer should always contact our service team to arrange the repairing as soon as possible. Service fees may apply in this situation. Service fees may apply in this situation.”

bug inside lcd screen supplier

A few minutes ago, I found a really small bug (like a book worm) was crawling on my screen. I grabbed a piece of paper tissue, and pressed hard on the bug to kill it. I think I used at the tip of my nail on the tissue.

I could not find the dead bug, but now I have a permanent strain on the screen. It is not something on the surface because I wiped it really hard and it did not go away. The glass surface does not seem damaged when I examined with a flashlight.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

There is a bug behind the display on my monitor, how do I get it out? if it dies while being on the screen I"ll be stuck with it hiding about 4 pixels.

It"s quite bizarre watching it crawl about on the monitor. I need for it to go away. Can I kill it, is it possible to get the dead bug body out in case it dies in there?

bug inside lcd screen supplier

The service guy paid me a visit and told me that the panel had a problem though am pretty sure it was a bug.He then removed the panel from the TV and Refit it,But in the process made the whole TV a mess, now my panel has ghosting and it is bleeding from the edges.One side has a blue hue.When I asked him about this he told me that he would arrange a panel for replacement.When I called him today he told me that he would call me back when the panel was ready and that I need to take my TV to the service center which is about 70 km away from my home.Doesn"t the warranty already cover that service? and Will I run into trouble because the repair guy damaged the panel? what should I do now? My warranty is only till 10th march though I have extended warranty...I also called the service helpline in which the service rep told me that he would put a request to the service centre, which I am pretty sure would call me back to tell me that I have to bring the TV in myself.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

A tiny insect has crawled in between the LCD panel and the backlight of my 27" iMac and died. Close inspection reveals that it is behind the LCD characters. I called Apple support, and they were sympathetic, but said I had to go to the local store. The local store told me it was not their fault I had a bug in my iMac, and in fact, this "infestation" (his words) would probably void the warranty on my 6 month old iMac.

My iMac sits on the desk in my office. My office is not "infested" with bugs. But Apple"s LCD screen is not sufficiently sealed to dust and other contaminants so it will prevent a tiny insect from being attracted to the light and crawling inside of it. I am very disappointed in their response.

Does anyone know if there is any recourse to the local Apple store? The woman at MY-APPLE assumed it would be a warranty repair. It seems to me that the LCD component should be sufficiently sealed to prevent bugs from crawling into it. And I live in Southern California, not Northern Michigan.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

Many insects are attracted to light. Insects can get into places where they cause problems for people. Little insects can get into tight little places. This leads to the “Thunderbug” problem. Thunderbug is a name applied to thrips, Order Thysanoptera. Thrips feed on plants, often scraping the cells of the leaf surface and only feeding on the surface cells. They leave damage that looks like a windowpane in the leaf.

In some locations, large populations of thrips will migrate, especially if they are feeding on crops and the crops are harvested. The thrips are attracted to lights and will enter homes. One type of light that attracts thrips is an LCD monitor. Thrips that are only a few mm in length have the ability to slip between the back panel and backlight of LCD monitors. Ergo, the “Thunderbug” Problem. The Thunderbug problem is more common than many people realize and most monitor manufacturers are willing to admit.

The initial reaction to thrips crawling around the inside of a monitor may be to squash it. However, a dead insect is not going to move anywhere or exit the monitor the same way it entered.

Some people learn to live with bugs in the system. When they are alive, their movements can be distracting, but they do not live long without food or water. Many people learn to live with a few dead (covered by dead thrips) pixels.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

The presence of cockroaches is not only gross and annoying, but it can also be costly. Cockroaches can damage your expensive electronic device by ruining internal electrical components. When cockroaches move around inside a console or a TV, they touch high voltage components which can short out your product and lead to costly repairs or replacements.

Check your electronics for roach droppings. This will look like black pepper and are usually scattered around the power supply or wire ports of your system. Other signs are egg casings, or oothecae, that resemble brown capsules. Also, keep an eye out for the roaches themselves. Often they can be clustered together inside your electronic item or under a power supply.

Make sure before you carry this out you know that the device can withstand low temperatures. Electronics with LCD screens will be damaged is exposed to those conditions for such a period of time. When the roaches have died out and you bring the item back to the warmth, allow time for the product to dry out since condensation will occur when the cold appliance returns to warm operating temperatures.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

Here is the bug. Its a small fly. I had hoped it would work its way out but it has died, and doesn"t seem to want to fall out. As it stands its been over a month, and its become a pretty obvious brown smear inside the screen. I have not been able to shake it loose, and it does not appear to be breaking up on its own.

I also have photos of the rest of the areas around the screen, but they show little that"s easy to make out. The bottom part of the bezel proved impossible to photograph as the gap faces upward, and was invisible with available lighting. There doesn"t appear to be any warping in that area. There are a few other areas with oddities in the gaps. But none are nearly as extreme as the two shown above.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

a line of extreme and ultra-narrow bezel LCD displays that provides a video wall solution for demanding requirements of 24x7 mission-critical applications and high ambient light environments

bug inside lcd screen supplier

Screen flickering in Windows 11 is usually caused by a display driver issue or incompatible app. To determine whether a display driver or app is causing the problem, check to see if Task Manager flickers. Then, based on that information, you"ll need to update, rollback, or uninstall your display driver or update or uninstall the app.

If Task Manager flickers along with everything else on the screen, a display driver is probably causing the problem. In this scenario, see the Fix your display driver section.

If Task Manager doesn"t flicker while the rest of the screen is flickering, an incompatible app is probably causing the problem. In this scenario, see the Update or uninstall an incompatible app section.

After you uninstall the first app, restart your device and check if the screen flickering or scrambled issue is resolved or not. If it"s not, uninstall each app one by one until the issue is resolved.

bug inside lcd screen supplier

So as it came out after a visit of appointed by Samsung service, I also have a "dead bug" that crawled between lcd screen and a backlight, casting a dead-pixel-like shadow on the lcd panel.

Few days after the visit Samsung confirmed that this won"t be covered by warranty, as this is not their fault that the bug crawled inside, and that their tv are apparently produced to highest standard.

This is surely not right and quite questionable, as panels of this type and priced as much as they were at the point of my purchase (similar to yours), should be sealed in a manner that disallow bugs to crawl in, especially that this is all too common and well known occurence.

Samsung in their response to my warranty repair request confirmed that there are vents in the sealing to allow for cooling of the lcd panel. And this is probably how the bug came in. I believe that even if there are any cooling vents in the sealant, these should be secured so that this situation wouldn"t take place.

What is also interesting is that the design of the lcd panel does not allow for taking it apart - as it was the case in older models of lcd tv"s- and as confirmed by the servicemen who visited me.

It is very convenient to Samsung, as replacement of entire lcd panel in this case makes up about 3/4 of the price I have paid for the TV. Fixing of the issue by qualified technician would be cheap in comparison.