adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

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adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

Hi guys, over the past few tutorials, we have been discussing TFT displays, how to connect and use them in Arduino projects, especially the 1.8″ Colored TFT display. In a similar way, we will look at how to use the 1.44″ TFT Display (ILI9163C) with the Arduino.

The ILI9163C based 1.44″ colored TFT Display, is a SPI protocol based display with a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels. It’s capable of displaying up to 262,000 different colors. The module can be said to be a sibling to the 1.8″ TFT display, except for the fact that it is much faster and has a better, overall cost to performance ratio when compared with the 1.8″ TFT display. Some of the features of the display are listed below;

TheTFT Display, as earlier stated, communicates with the microcontroller over SPI, thus to use it, we need to connect it to the SPI pins of the Arduino as shown in the schematics below.

Please note that the version of the display used for this tutorial is not available on fritzing which is the software used for the schematics, so follow the pin connection list below to further understand how each pin of the TFT display should be connected to the Arduino.

In order to allow the Arduino to work with the display, we need two Arduino libraries; the sumotoy TFT ILI9163C Arduino library which can be downloaded from this link and the popular Adafruit GFX Arduino library which we have used extensively in several tutorials. Download these libraries and install them in the Arduino IDE.

For today’s tutorial, we will be using the bigtest example which is one of the example codes that comes with the sumotoy ILI9163C Arduino library to show how to use the TFT display.

The example can be opened by going to File–>Examples–>TFT_ILI9163c–>bigtest as shown in the image below. It should be noted that this will only be available after the sumotoy library has been installed.

Next, we define some of the colors that will be used along with the corresponding hex values. If you’ve gone through any of our previous tutorials where we used the Adafruit GFX library, you would have noticed that this code contains a lot from the GFX library and it should be easier for you to follow.

Next, an object of the ILI9163c library named “display” was created with CS and DC parameter as inputs but due to the kind of display being used, we need to include the pin of the Arduino to which the A0 pin of the TFT display is connected which is D8.

With this done, we move to the void setup() function. Under this function, we issue the commands that initialize the display then create a time variable updated by millis, after which we issue a command to clear the screen and display some random text on it.

adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

Hello everyone to my new tutorial in which we are going to program arduino for tft lcd shield of 3.5" with ILI9486 driver, 8 bit. I found it important to write this tutorial as if we see we find tutorial for 1.44, 1.8, 2.0, 2.4, 2.8 inch shields however there are no or less tutorials available for 3.5" shield as its completely different from other smaller tft lcd shields -adafruit tft lcd library doesn"t even support ILI9486 driver in 3.5" tft lcd, it supports drivers of tft shields lesser then 3.5"

Go through the above link to know better, lets start with our tutorial however if we can"t use Adafruit_TFTLCD library which library will we use ?, there"s a simple answer to this that"s MCUFRIEND_kbv library which helps to use 3.5" tft lcd shield, if you see this library makes it much more easier to program arduino for tft lcd shield than adafruit as we have to simply create a tft object in MCUFRIEND_kbv library and then using that we can control the tft lcd shield however in Adafruit_TFTLCD library we will have to create the object and also define connections which makes it a very long task.

Once added, create the tft object using library name and a name for object, you can also define some color codes for text which we are going to type, using the define function and giving color code. This all is to be done before setup.#include#include#define BLACK 0x0000#define RED 0xF800#define WHITE 0xFFFFMCUFRIEND_kbv tft;

Its time to now start our tft lcd screen and change the background, this is to be done by using some simple functions by obtaining the tft ID and changing the background bytft.fillScreen("color_name");void}

Now we will be programming in loop for printing text on TFT LCD shield, for that we will be using a number of functions such as -tft.setCursor("x","y");x means the position from the x axis on screen and y means position from the y axis on screen of tft lcd shield.tft.setTextSize("number");number here refers to text size which take parameter as number you can give any number from 1 according to your requirements.tft.setTextColor("color");color here means to give the color name we had defined before setup, this makes the text color as whatever you give.tft.print("value");value is nothing but what you want to print, whatever you give as value must be in double quotes.void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:tft.setCursor(0,0);tft.setTextSize(3);tft.setTextColor(WHITE);tft.print("my first project with tft -");tft.setCursor(0,70);tft.setTextSize(2);tft.setTextColor(RED);tft.print("welcome to the world of arduino and display , myself I love arduino and game programming very much. This is why I have my own youtube channel in which I share my arduino projects and games made by me , isn"t it amazing !");}

Graphics which we see in our phone is combination of square, rectangle, circle, triangle, lines. This is why here we will learning how to draw the following shapes.tft.drawRect(x,y,width,height,color);x means the position from the x axis of the screen, y means the position from y axis of the screen, width refers to set the width of rectangle, height refers to set the height of the rectangle and color means the color of rectangle you want it to be. You can use this same function by simply keeping the height and width same.tft.drawCircle(x,y,radius,color);x means the position from the x axis of the screen, y means the position from y axis of the screen, radius is a para to set the radius of circle and color means the color of circle you want it to be.tft.drawTriangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,color);x1, y1, x2 etc. are to set the position of triangle"s three points from which lines are drawn.tft.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,color);x1 and y1 are to set point 1 from which line is made to point 2 which is set by x2 and y2.

adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

After that I have been able to connect the touch-sensitive part of the screen as well, and it reads x+, x-, Y+ and y- fairly well using Touch-Screen-Library ( (I still have to some more calibration though).

I have been running into problems when I wanted to actually display something on the screen using TFT LCD library ( (and the GFX library (

Connect the seventh pin RST (Reset) to the Arduino Reset line. This will reset the panel when the Arduino is Reset. You can also use a digital pin for the LCD reset but this will save us a pin.

I checked Nick Gammons Uno R3 reference sheet ( and can only see that Analog 0-3 are not used for any special communications protocol and should be handled as "default" analog pins.

Adafruit is also selling a shield version of you display and I think you can use this to verify you pin assignment. With this:

I just got my teensy3 displaying the graphicstest on my LCD. Your description here of how to do it was just fine, though it took me a couple of tries to get the wiring right (my fault, though)

I got this going as well thanks to your guidance. While I was fiddling with the pinouts etc. in pinmagic, I did a couple of other things, in Adafruit_TFTLCD:

inline Adafruit_GFX& operator() (uint8_t x, uint8_t y,uint16_t c) {setCursor(x,y); setTextColor(c); return *this;} //use along w Streaming.h to support: tft(col,line,color)<<"a="<

inline Adafruit_GFX& operator() (uint8_t x, uint8_t y,uint16_t c,uint8_t s) {setCursor(x,y); setTextColor(c); setTextSize(s); return *this;} //use along w Streaming.h to support: tft(col,line,color,size)<<"a="< ies_ET&hash=item41724ce310

Just wanted to say: I just got this working and compared the speeds of this screen on a Teensy 3.1 vs a Teensy ++2.0. Holy CRAP the 3.1 is fast! The Adafruit graphics test on the Teensy ++ 2.0 takes 10,565ms to run (according to it"s Serial Monitor metrics), while the Teensy 3.1 does it in 1903ms. 5.55x faster! I"m assuming it"s not the full 6x faster (16mhz vs 96mhz) due to overhead of using pinMode (and probably some other stuff) for the T3.

Yes, sort of. I"m using an older version, that"s been modified to work with Teensy 3, Teensy 2++, and I macheted in support for the ILI9341 driver before Adafruit did on their version.

They are not using the current library, as you guessed. I tried patching pin_magic.h with the teensy 3 mods, but more is required for the current TFTLCD library. The library now supports DUE, and the constructor does a lot of work mapping the control pins into port register access for set/clear operations. Maybe the teensy equivalent would be to use

For the hacked together version I"ve been using and testing on a 3.1, the __AVR__ style of pin/port mapping from the new library seems to be what I"ve been using. csPort = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(cs)); etc

OK, I got teensy 3.0 and 3.1 working with current Adafruit libraries. For teensy 3.1, I had to add delayMicroseconds(1) to read8inline so it looks like

And I measured 32.7ma at 3.3v for the TFTLCD, so I powered it from the teensy 3 3.3v pin. This is on older Adafruit TFTLCD,

OK, maybe I"m confused, but does that library drive the Adafruit display in 8-bit mode (as described at The TFTLCD library has the disadvantage of needing more pins, but my impression was that it could achieve a higher throughput of data to the display, or am I mistaken in that as well?

Well, this is awkward. I had a 2.8" ILI9325 screen from Adafruit working on a Teensy 3.0 a couple of years back. I just tried to rebuild the code for that and I seem to have lost some files. Specifically I"m looking for the right Adafruit_TFTLCD library (well, I think that"s all I"m looking for). The current library from Github doesn"t compile with a Teensy3, and I recall I had to edit the pin_magic file as per (earlier in this thread). But the later files from Github look different now. I don"t seem to be able to go back to an earlier branch on Github.

I can see Paul has posted an ILI9341_t3 library, but mine is an ILI9325. Has anyone got a working copy of the library that works with my combination posted somewhere? I"d rather not upgrade the hardware at this stage, the problem I have is software.

adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

To edit the function you type a series of a or d commands to step through the function to the part you want to edit, use r, c, or x to make changes, type b to go back, or type q to exit from the editor.

Loads the definition of a function defined with defun, or a variable defined with defvar, from the Lisp Library. It returns t if it was loaded, or nil if the symbol is already defined, or if the symbol isn"t defined in the Lisp Library.

The AVR version of uLisp uses my own I2C routines which don"t need a buffer, and don"t impose any limit on the length of transactions. The ARM, ESP, and MSP430 versions of uLisp use the Arduino Wire library, which imposes a 32-byte limit on each transaction.

stream: a variable that will be bound to an spi-stream. The variable should be specified in commands to read from and write to the stream within the form.

adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

Just wanted to put a note on here for anyone trying to connect the Adafruit 2.8" TFT Resistive Touch Shield to a Photon, through a Particle Shield Shield. I couldn’t get it to work, then figured this out and thought I’d share the knowledge…

The TFT shield is hardwired to use the default hardware SPI pins for Arduino, but on the Shield Shield, these pins actually map to Particle’s SPI1, not SPI (there are two SPI ports on the Particle…I’ve read there is perhaps a third?).

This will have your Particle talking to the correct pins of the TFT shield, through the Shield Shield. And of course, if coming from Arduino, you will need to do the other typical porting changes covered in this and other threads.

adafruit tft lcd library commands quotation

Mine have a S6D0154 controller. The library was from "". For Arduino UNO, you need to install both libraries attached, then replace the file "pin_magic.h" from the installation folder "libraries\TFTLCD-Library-master", with the "pin_magic.h" file attached here.