phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

Fixing a broken Android phone screen can cost anywhere from $100 to nearly $300. However, a DIY phone screen repair could cost$15 – $40. Expensive phones such as an iPhone 11 screen replacement costs $199 for an iPhone 11 display, $279 to replace an iPhone 11 Pro display and $329 to replace an iPhone 11 Pro Max screen.Android PhoneiPhone 11iPhone 11 ProiPhone 11 Pro Max$100 - $300$199$279$329

1. Hit Up with the ManufacturerIf your Android device is relatively new (read: still under manufacturer’s warranty), the first place you’ll want to go for your phone fix is the manufacturer. The price for a broken screen will vary depending on your device, but for a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge you’re probably looking at around $270 plus a day or two without your device. Going to the manufacturer is almost always going to be more expensive than a third-party repair shop, but your warranty will stay intact and your phone will be fully restored (possibly even replaced with a fully refurbished model) to its pre-broken-screen excellence (and waterproof phones, like the Galaxy S7 Edge ($230 at Amazon), will retain their waterproof status). (Source: CNET)

2. Amazon is the Cheapest Place to Repair older iPhone ScreensGetting a cracked iPhone screen fixed can be an expensive, time-consuming experience, especially if it’s out of warranty. You either have to set up an appointment at an Apple store and pay its official repair price, or put your faith in an off-brand repair shop to do as good of a job for a significantly lower price. Amazon Home Services is a lesser-known section of Amazon that pairs customers with professionals who can help with everything from TV mounting, to furniture assembly, to lawn maintenance. And yes, there’s a service for fixing your cracked iPhone screen. Apple’s prices for out-of-warranty iPhone screen repairs vary, but it costs $129 to get an iPhone 5S screen replaced — Amazon will only charge you $79.99. An iPhone 7 Plus screen repair will set you back $169 at Apple, but $119.99 at Amazon. That said, Apple beats Amazon’s prices on its newest phones. An iPhone 8 screen repair costs $149 at Apple versus $169.99 at Amazon; an iPhone 8 Plus screen repair costs $169 at Apple and $199.99 at Amazon. (Source: Seek Professional Help for Phone Screen Replacement

Warning: No matter how tech-savvy you are, do-it-yourself repairs always run the risk of damaging your device and likely void any warranties and insurance claims. Be sure you know what you’re doing and accept associated risks before you try to replace your cell phone screen. In addition, always make sure your device is unplugged and turned off before you begin repairs.

If you don’t want to replace your own cell phone screen, you can opt for a professional cell phone screen replacement service. Such services can range anywhere from $70 to $300 or more, but will typically not void your warranty or will provide insurance or warranties of their own. Keep in mind you will be without your phone for the duration of the repair and any applicable shipping.

Professional cell phone screen replacement services are offered by both manufacturers and third-party companies. You can find third-party cell phone repair services online and in local stores and shopping malls. Here are some popular cell phone screen replacement services:

Smash the display on Apple’s iPhone 11 Pro Max, for example, and you can expect to pay £326 to get it fixed by the tech giant if it’s out of warranty. If the damage sustained by the iPhone comes under ‘other damage’ (faults not related to the display), that number could rise to a whopping £596.44. (Source:

First, assess the damage, and that means getting your phone on a solid surface and in a good light, not just giving it a quick once-over before stuffing it back in your pocket. With a little bit of stress testing and careful prodding you should be able to work out whether the screen is about to fall off or fail completely. In a lot of cases it will stay in place, cracks and all, so you can at least keep tweeting, so long as the screen is still visible and functioning. If the phone is seriously damaged, get it backed up as quickly as you can, making sure all your photos and videos and important files are saved somewhere else just in case it dies completely and you can’t get it working again. If it’s already stopped functioning, then a professional repair is probably your best bet. Here are the solutions, in ascending order of professionalism.Option #1: Packing Tape

How to Replace a Damaged Phone Screen Display – DIYThere are so many different mobile phone models on the market (either new or used) that providing a standardized guide is next to impossible. Additionally, some models cannot be repaired without sending them back to the manufacturer. Head to YouTube to check how your particular phone’s display can be replaced. You’ll find many detailed device-specific guides on the procedure.Most smartphones are essentially made up of several layers of components. Each layer must be carefully detached for the glass display to be replaced.These guides typically follow this procedure for replacing your smartphone display:Open the phone

Apple has not had a good week. The launch of iOS 13 has been a mess with security concerns and the rush of updates are not much better. Millions of iPhones were made vulnerable and the company’s radical 2020 iPhone redesign was also leaked just as Apple is trying to tempt users to its new, more iterative models. And now comes an official Apple warning which will affect millions of users. (Source:

Cost to repair Phone Screen varies according to the Model, Manufacturer and what option you choose. Considering the fact that your Smart Phone is a part of your daily life and you cannot imagine your day-to-day activities without it, screen repair cost should not hurt you. However, Smart Phones are getting pricier everyday and so are the repair costs. We hope you will find the above guide useful for Phone Screen Repair and related costs.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

How much does it cost to fix a phone screen? And what"s the best option to get it repaired? Answering these questions seems like it should be easy, but with so many phone models and several repair options, it can get a little complicated.

A phone screen repair cost can vary depending on a few factors such as brand, model, and extent of the damage. This article will focus on the price difference between repair services, but it"s worth keeping these other factors in mind if you find yourself wondering why an iPhone 5s costs less to repair than an iPhone 13 for example.

If you want to know how much it cost to replace a phone screen, start by asking the manufacturer of your phone. For both Samsung and Apple phones, you have the option of getting your phone fixed through their official repair services. Benefits of this service include original parts, testing to ensure it"s restored to factory standards, and sometimes even repair warranties.

Repairing an Apple iPhone screen can cost anywhere between $129 to $329, with the iPhone 5 being the cheapest and the iPhone 13 coming in at the most expensive repair.

Meanwhile, an Android screen repair cost for Samsung phones ranges from $79 to $599 depending on the phone model. Samsung will repair phones as far back as the Galaxy A01 for the lowest price, but to repair the Galaxy Fold inner screen you will be paying the most expensive repair price.

Going direct to the manufacturer to repair your broken screen means that you get certified original phone parts and authorized service providers, but that doesn"t mean you should dismiss third-party repair shops. This is especially true if you want to save a bit of money.

While the prices will differ from place to place, using a repair calculator like Swappa can give you some ballpark estimates. As an example, an iPhone Xs can cost about $188, compared with Apple"s repair cost of $279.

On the other hand, a third-party repair for a Galaxy S8 will cost $223 while Samsung"s price is $219, making it a better choice to go with the manufacturer.

Another consideration to keep in mind is that, unlike the original phone manufacturer, third-party repair shops can replace just the front glass if that"s all that is broken, saving you a fair bit of money in the process (these prices might not be listed). If you suspect that only the glass is damaged, make sure to ask your local service provider if it"s possible to get a screen-only replacement.

To find a third-party phone repair shop, try your local mall, or else search Google Maps for a phone repair service near you. Another option is to ask an electronics shop if they can recommend a good repair service, or try an online repair calculator like Swappa which will show you a map of local repair businesses.

If you"re really on a budget, you could consider repairing the phone screen on your own. The upside is that the cost of materials and tools can be significantly cheaper than having a professional repair done. But the obvious downside is: you"re probably not a professional.

You can buy complete phone repair kits from places like iFixit, which include all the tools you need. While there isn"t a repair kit for every phone model, prices range from about $75 for an iPhone SE to $125 for an iPhone 11 repair kit.

It doesn"t always make sense to do a DIY repair, however. If you"ve never done your own repair then paying extra to have a professional handle it might just be easier.

On the other hand, when you can pay just $90 instead of $279 to replace your iPhone XS by doing it yourself, then you might want to give it a go. And in some cases like the Galaxy S6, Samsung doesn"t list it as a model that can be repaired through its service.

Now you should have a general understanding of how much it costs to repair a phone screen. You can head straight for a manufacturer repair, try searching for trusted third-party services, or attempt a DIY repair job.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

It"s the scenario that haunts every smartphone owner"s dreams. You"re sending a text, or you"re taking your phone out of your pocket, and then bam—gravity does its thing and your phone is on the ground with a screen full of spiderweb cracks. Taps plays in your head.

So what now? You know you"ll need to get your phone repaired, but you"ve got questions. How much will it cost? Which services do you really need? Should you use a case from now on? (We"ll just go ahead and say that yes: you should use a case from now on.) Keep reading our guide to cell phone repair to find out.

Truthfully, it depends. Lots of different factors have a hand in how much you"ll end up having to shell out to get your phone up and running again, such as:

What kind of phone you have. Older (but not too much older) models tend to be cheaper to fix than newer ones. You"ll also see different repair prices for Apple, Android, and Windows phones.

What all you"re having fixed. A general cell phone repair—which can include everything from screen and battery replacement to repairs made to buttons—will cost somewhere in the ballpark of $150-$200, but that price can rise if your phone has other/more problems.

Ah yes, the almost inevitable cracked phone screen. For as common as cell phone screen repair is, your options for where to take it, how much you"ll wind up paying, and how long it"ll take can vary wildly.

Where should I take it? You essentially have two options here: manufacturer or a third-party repair store. The benefit to going the manufacturer route is that if your phone"s still under warranty or a supplemental protection plan, you can save a good chunk of change on the repair. The downside, though, is that you may have to mail in your phone for the fix, which obviously will take a bit of time. Along with being able to shop around (or find local deals on our site), the draw to making an appointment at a third-party store is that frequently, your phone can be fixed in as little as a few hours.

How much will it cost? Fixing a broken phone screen can cost anywhere from $100 to nearly $300. If you have an iPhone 6S, for example, you can have Apple repair it for $129, which is considered relatively inexpensive for a manufacturer repair. Taking your phone to a third-party store via a deal on our site, though, will frequently only cost somewhere between $45 and $80. Note that that price can jump up if you end up needing a replacement battery or other essential hardware.

As with almost any cell phone repair, the cost of fixing water damage in your device varies. Here, though, is where the extent of the damage has the most impact.

The extent of the damage really matters. Many repair shops will either give you a free diagnostic check or charge you a refundable payment when you bring in your water-damaged device. After they take a look at your phone, they"ll let you know what you can expect to pay for the actual repair, or if a successful repair is even possible.

Not all water-damage symptoms are seen right away. Unfortunately, even after you"ve taken your phone to a shop, the effects of water damage you thought you rid yourself of (like a broken camera or blank screen) can crop up again in the days or weeks following the initial repair.

Bottom line: be prepared to pay according to how badly your phone"s damaged. A "simple" water-damage repair can run as little as $49, while complicated fixes can cost $100 or more.

They might, but not for the reason you might be imagining. It"s a common misconception that taking your device to a repair shop to get it fixed will negate the device"s manufacturer warranty. The good news is that this isn"t true! The bad news? It"s the damage itself that likely voided your manufacturer warranty. As with all high-end consumer electronics, be sure you know the fine print of any warranties or protection plans you decide to get with your phone.

If you"re reading this through a web of cracks or on a friend"s phone instead of your own, it"s probably time to get yours fixed. To give you an idea of the great phone-repair savings that can be had on our site, check out the below collection of top deals that are live right now. Not in one of these cities? Click here to search for great phone-repair deals near you.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

The more you depend on your phone to manage your life, the more devastating it is when it breaks. So, what happens if you drop your prized possession and you end up with a screen full of spiderweb cracks or you jump in the pool and forget your phone is in your pocket? What if you"ve tried every charger you own and the power level still won"t budge from 2%?

Before you panic and spend a $1,000 on a new phone, consider having it repaired by a mobile phone repair service. Repairs can often be done for a fraction of the cost of a new phone.

To help you decide the best course of action, we"ve assembled everything you need to know about phone repair prices, the factors that influence those costs, and a comparison between getting a repair from the manufacturer or a third-party repair service.

If you have AppleCare+, either through the iPhone upgrade program or because you pay for an AppleCare+ plan, replacing a broken iPhone screen will typically cost $29.

However, if the limited warranty that has expired, you don’t pay for AppleCare+, and you just need a one-time screen repair, Apple charges between $129 and $329.

Battery repair is free for iPhone users who have AppleCare+, and ranges from $49 to $69 for customers out of warranty. Other repairs cost $99 under AppleCare+ and range from $149 to $599 without AppleCare+.

Samsung offers a Premium Care option for those who’d like to ensure their device. It costs $11.99/month for the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series, and is $19.99/mo. for the Galaxy Fold. If you pay for Premium Care, you can expect coverage for hardware failures and accidental damage.

If you don’t have warranty and don’t want to pay for Premium Care, you can still get your Android fixed by Samsung’s authorized repair partner uBreakiFix. Samsung phone repair cost varies by your Android model, the zip code you’ll get the repair done in, and what you need repaired. To check on how much it will cost to get your Android phone repaired outside of warranty, check out Samsung’s website.

If you have a broken Pixel phone that doesn’t charge, freezes up, won’t turn on, can’t get a signal, or has issues with the microphone, buttons, or speaker, you actually might qualify for Google’s limited warranty. If your Pixel phone has one of these issues, you should first visit the Google Warranty center.

Accidental damage is not covered by Google’s limited warranty, unfortunately. If you have accidentally damaged your Pixel phone, visit the Google Repair Center to see what your options are.

Before you do anything else, look into the warranty on your Android phone through AT&T. Even without insurance, you may meet warranty requirements, so it’s always best to check that out first.

Book an online appointment at a time that works best for your schedule. Our tech-savvy specialist will meet you wherever is convenient for you—your apartment, favorite coffee shop, or even the gym—on your timetable so you can get back to more important things. We even offer same-day repair.

Unfortunately, not all third-party Android repair companies are transparent with pricing. Most services require specific information from you (like your device model, the issue, and your zip code) before they can give you an estimate.

To give you a rough idea of what an out of warranty Android repair from a third party service might cost, we looked at Amazon’s mobile device repair service. If you choose to repair your Android phone through Amazon, you can expect to pay anywhere from $280 to $500 for a Samsung Galaxy.

Company uBreakiFix does promise to beat any published price for the same phone repair by $5, so that could be a great option for you. They also act as the preferred repair partner for both Google and Samsung Android phones, which means that they use proper parts when fixing your device.

When you do get an estimate for your Android repair cost, be careful. The estimate may not be the same as the final repair cost. The final repair cost can sometimes be significantly more if the price is not guaranteed.

Older Smartphones are usually less expensive to fix than newer models and general repairs like screen and battery issues can usually be done for between $150 and $200.

Water damaged phones are a little trickier and will require a more thorough diagnostics to determine the extent of the damage before getting a price. Expect a simple repair to cost around $49 but a more difficult one to be $100 or more.

Rush repairs or quick delivery for mail order service can increase prices significantly—anywhere from $20 to $100 more for the convenience of getting your phone back faster.

Finding a low-cost, quality phone repair service can take time. When your phone is broken, you"ll want it fixed fast and done right. Be wary of independent contractors that promise a cheap price without supporting certifications or positive reviews.

Remember that the "convenience" of a mail order service means that you"ll likely be without your phone for 7-10 days while your phone is repaired and shipped.

Phone repairs are only as good as the warranty backing them. If your phone breaks down again, you"ll want to make sure the company will back up their service with a warranty or you"ll have to fork out more money and forego the use of your phone again.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

The phone is never missing from our pockets; we carry it with us everywhere and check it very often. That is why, inadvertently, we can drop it off. Most of the time, it slips between our fingers, and the chances of the phone screen breaking will be very high.

Even if it is not the most expensive component of a mobile phone, the screen may still affect your budget, especially if you are not financially prepared for such a service.

The costs of repairing a phone screen are influenced by many factors including the make and model of the phone, the company performing this service, and whether or not you have a warranty or protection plan. However, the average cost of a screen repair would be $45 to more than $320.

The price estimate mentioned above should include the labor and the necessary parts. Genuine parts will always be used by the manufacturer, while a third-party cell phone repair service will use third-party components.

In the table below you will find the price estimates for repairing the screen of some of the most common mobile phones at the manufacturer or at a third-party repair shop.

In case you are using an Apple mobile phone and have AppleCare+, you will pay around $39 to repair your phone’s screen. On the other hand, if you don’t have a warranty, depending on the exact iPhone model you will have to pay anywhere between $139 and $179.

Also, Samsung performs authorized repairs at an average cost of $280, but if have bought the Samsung Protection Plan then you will be charged only $85.

According to a CNET study, if you choose to repair your phone’s screen at a third-party repair facility, you would pay around $280 for a Samsung Galaxy S7 and anywhere between $110 and $260 for a Samsung Galaxy S5.

Be prepared to pay for the shipping fees in case you have your phone’s screen fixed through an online service. For example, at Apple, you will have to pay around $8 to send the phone to them and bring it back to you.

You can go with the broken phone directly to one of the authorized services of the company that produced the phone or to other third-party services. However, for the devices under warranty, any damage suffered by your phone must be mediated only by the manufacturer.

The next time you’re looking for a new phone, trade in the old one for credit even if it has a cracked screen. You may be eligible for an early upgrade or anything that can reduce the cost of purchasing a new device.

You can save a lot of time and money by getting multiple quotes ahead of time. The majority of the repair shops will be delighted to offer you several options for pricing. Moreover, usually, these have lower costs than the manufacturers. For instance, you will have to pay less to have your iPhone’s screen fixed at an independent shop instead of going directly to an Apple store.

On Amazon and other related retailers, there’s a DIY kit that includes everything you need to perform screen replacement. It comes with detailed step-by-step instructions and all the parts needed.

If the broken screen isn’t affecting your phone’s functionality, then you can simply deal with it. Of course, this will depend on what type of phone it is and how dangerous that particular issue may seem for your personal safety.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

Use our “Get an Estimate” tool to review potential costs if you get service directly from Apple. The prices shown here are only for screen repair. If your iPhone needs other service, you’ll pay additional costs.

All fees are in U.S. dollars and are subject to tax. A shipping fee will be added if we need to ship your iPhone. We’ll inspect your product when we receive it and confirm the service charges.

Your country or region offers AppleCare+ for this product. Screen repair (front) is eligible for coverage with a fee by using an incident of accidental damage from handling that comes with your AppleCare+ plan.

The Apple Limited Warranty covers your iPhone and the Apple-branded accessories that come in the box with your product against manufacturing issues for one year from the date you bought them. Apple-branded accessories purchased separately are covered by the Apple Limited Warranty for Accessories. This includes adapters, spare cables, wireless chargers, or cases.

Replacement equipment that Apple provides as part of the repair or replacement service may contain new or previously used genuine Apple parts that have been tested and pass Apple functional requirements.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

You’ve dropped your iPhone and the screen is cracked. Or it’s smashed into a spider’s web of sadness. Once you’ve stopped berating yourself for dropping it, because shame isn’t going to fix the screen, you’ll need to hand it over to someone who can replace it for you. It’s okay, you think, the warranty will cover it. Think again.

The screen and LCD display are fused together, so it’s highly unlikely you can have the glass replaced without also replacing the LCD display as well. Below are costs from around the country for screen glass repairs and LCD replacement.

Apple’s service is wonderful if you have a store near you and can book your appointment ahead of time, but it won’t cover dropping your phone. According to Apple, their “Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year. Warranty service for eligible repairs is available at no charge for twelve months from the date of original retail purchase ("date of purchase").

However, if your phone isn’t working because of an accident (you dropped it/your girlfriend threw it at you/your puppy thought it looked tasty), the warranty won’t cover the cost to repair it.

“To determine your warranty coverage, enter the serial number of your iPhone in the Online Service Assistant section on the Apple Support site. Apple may need to examine your proof of purchase document to verify your iPhone"s warranty status.” — Apple Support

Even if you believe your circumstances qualify you to use the warranty, if you bought your iPhone from anyone other than an authorized iPhone reseller or didn’t register your phone when you bought it, you may not be able to use the warranty on it, because Apple has no official record of the purchase date with your name in it.

The Apple support page says you might still be able to have Apple fix it through their Out-Of-Warranty (OOW) service—for things like screen burn or “an iPhone that has failed due to damage or liquid damage. ... See Apple"s Repair Terms and Conditions for further details. Refer to this article to check if the Liquid Contact indicator on your product has been triggered.” To find where to bring your phone for OOW service options, call your local carrier and they can direct you to iPhone repair shops near you.

If you’ve only just bought your phone, or are about to buy one, and you are historically talented at dropping your phone, your best option is to sign up for the AppleCare+ plan. “Both AppleCare+ and AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss extend that coverage1 up to two years and give you additional features such as 24/7 tech support and accidental damage coverage.” —

For Apple to repair your iPhone thats out of warranty, prices start at $129 for older phones, and go up to $329 for the brand new models. Before Apple repairs your screen, you’ll need to carry out their pre-service instructions so you can protect your information. It involves things like having your ID and proof of purchase ready and, if you’re mailing it in, erasing your device. Read more about that here.

In store - The best part of having Apple repair your screen is that they have genuine Apple parts and all repairs are backed by Apple. It will probably be a same-day repair.

Mail it - If it’s too much of an inconvenience to get to the store, mail it instead. Apple will send you a box to send it in. It will take 7–9 days before you get your fixed phone back.

Be aware that if anyone other than Apple or an Apple service provider opens up your phone, any warranty or partial warranty you have will no longer apply. But if all your warranties have run out, a third-party service can be extremely helpful with prices that average $80 to $140 for screen repair. Don’t just bring it to any store though. Check out places first on sites like HomeGuide and Yelp to make sure customers have been pleased with their repair work.

Some will examine your phone for free to let you know exactly what’s broken and how much it will cost to repair. When you drop your phone, even though it might look like only the screen has cracked, there could be a lot more that’s damaged inside the phone—speakers, dock, batteries, screen, cameras, etc. Getting a thorough examination done before you fix the screen could save you the frustration of a second and third visit later at an additional cost.

Some shops will give you a same-day repair service while others will take a day or two. Obviously, it depends on how much work your iPhone needs to be fully functional again.

This can be one of the easiest ways of repairing your screen, and you don’t even have to leave your house or work to do it. Custom Computer Experts in Sheffield Lake, OH, say, “If you can"t come to us, we can come to you for $99.99 plus parts or software. $25 travel fee will be included in the final invoice for travel of 25 miles or more.”

Some repair shops are better than others because they focus exclusively on Apple products and are able to buy repair parts in bulk. iHospital Fowler say they don’t “only repair devices but also upgrade these devices and offers a full range of accessories for them. ... It has trained all of its iHospital Doctors to focus on one family of products, Apple.”

There is also the option of repairing your screen yourself with kit repair prices ranging from $40 to $80. Considering the high price of an iPhone, we don’t recommend this if you have little experience installing phone screens. We’re not mentioning names, but one of our own at HomeGuide tried this and the phone exploded in his hands. He ran, kicking the flaming phone across the carpet and out the front door in time to prevent the whole place going up in smoke. Lithium batteries are not to be trifled with. The memory will remain with us until the carpet is replaced....

Order the DIY kit—a combo of the replacement screen, tiny tools, cables, and an instructional booklet. Here’s an article on how that turned out for oneConsumer Reports reporter.

In summary, if your iPhone is in warranty and the screen needs to be repaired because of an internal problem, have Apple fix it. If it’s not in warranty, we recommend having a mobile iPhone repair technician meet you to do the work, as most of the repair options seem to cost about the same regardless of where you bring it, and the convenience of having them come to you is amazing.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

Have a broken iPhone screen? Here are three iPhone screen repair options and how much each costs, plus a breakdown of whether you should fix it or sell it.

NOTE: If your iPhone is still under warranty, check with Apple to see if you can get your screen fixed for free. Here’s Apple’s warranty coverage checker.

You can replace your own iPhone screen with a little tech savvy and a bit of patience. The repair requires disassembly, however, so you shouldn’t attempt this fix if you’re not comfortable doing that.

Your best bet is to buy a complete screen assembly, which is a much easier repair than replacing just the front glass or digitizer. Expect to pay between $45 and $280 for a new iPhone screen, depending on your model, where you buy parts and whether you buy a standard LCD or premium OLED screen. Toolkits start at $5 if you don’t already have the necessary tools.

WARNING: This can be a difficult repair, especially if you aren’t experienced. Understand the risk of additional damage that could void any warranties and insurance policies.Rather buy a new iPhone? Save with these iPhone deals

You can find detailed step-by-step instructions on sites like iFixit and YouTube. Here are some example videos for the iPhone 12, iPhone 11 and iPhone X.

Don’t want to fix your own iPhone screen? You can opt for professional repair instead. Local repair shops can often replace your screen in a few hours, either in-store or at your location. Online mail-in repair services take longer, but they’re good options if you don’t have a local repair store.

Expect to pay between $119 and $520 for professional iPhone screen replacement, depending on your model and repair shop. Note that Apple’s own repair service tops out at $329 for out-of-warranty screen repair. Apple also uses OEM (original equipment manufacturer parts), while many repair shops use less expensive aftermarket parts.

Mail-in repair services like iFixYouri and My Broken Phone typically charge between $100 and $200, but they don’t always list pricing for every repair on their websites. Sometimes, it’s because they haven’t updated their service offering lately, especially if newer devices aren’t listed. Other times, they can make the repair, but it’s too uncommon to stock parts.

In some cases, the repair is difficult and likely to damage the device, so it’s not profitable for the company to offer it. Or, the required parts are so expensive it’s not worth fixing. Either way, if the repair you need isn’t listed on a repair shop’s website, it’s a good idea to contact them anyway to see if they offer it.

It’s a good idea to ask about warranties on parts and labor before you choose a repair company. You should also inquire about your service tech’s experience, credentials and quality of parts.Interested in a refurbished iPhone 12? See where to get it for less

Do you have iPhone insurance? If so, you can file a claim directly with your insurance company, who might offer a choice between mail-in, in-store or on-location repair services. Some companies will overnight a refurbished replacement iPhone rather than repair and return yours.

Expect to pay a deductible ranging between $29 and $149, depending on your model and insurance company. Here are some example iPhone screen repair deductibles.InsureriPhone Screen Replacement Deductible

Should you fix your iPhone screen or sell it broken? You can base your decision on how much your iPhone is worth broken versus repaired, especially if you plan to upgrade soon.

For example, at the time of this writing, an iPhone X 64GB on the Verizon network was worth $255 in good condition. Here’s a breakdown of its net value after different repair options.

Next, compare the net value after repair to what your iPhone is worth in broken condition. At the time of this writing, a broken iPhone X 64GB on the Verizon network was worth $110.

As the table shows, our example iPhone will have significantly more value if you repair it yourself or file an insurance claim through AppleCare+ or Verizon.

However, SquareTrade insurance leaves a net value of $4 less than the phone is worth broken, while out-of-warranty Apple repair leaves a net value of $134 less, which means you’d lose money by going with those repair options.

The independent repair shop option leaves a net value of just $26 more than selling it broken, which might make you question whether repair is worth the hassle.

Of course, your decision depends not only on the value, but also how long you plan to keep your iPhone. If you intend to hold on to it for a few years, it’s cheaper to repair it than to buy a new iPhone.

If you plan to upgrade soon and trade in your old phone, however, it’s worth comparing your options to see whether you’ll get more value after repair or selling it as-is.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

Most cell phones withstand minor bumps well, but a cracked cell phone screen can render an otherwise good phone unusable. Fortunately, several options are available to help you replace a cracked cell phone screen; and if you’d rather purchase a new phone, you can even sell iPhones, Android phones and other phones that are broken if you know where to find buyers. The following details how to replace a cracked phone screen plus how to sell a damaged phone.

First, it’s important to understand that most phones have a separate digitizer and display. The digitizer covers the display; it’s what you actually touch on a smartphone. When your cell phone screen is cracked, in many cases it’s the digitizer that is damaged and not the underlying display. These are two separate parts; however, many repair kits come packaged with both parts together. Make sure you purchase the appropriate replacement parts or service to avoid overpaying for cell phone screen replacement.

Should you fix your cracked screen before you sell it? Options compared You can either have your cell phone screen replaced by a professional cell phone repair service or, if you have a bit of technical savvy, you can do it yourself.

WARNING: No matter how tech-savvy you are, do-it-yourself repairs always run the risk of damaging your device and likely void any warranties and insurance claims. Be sure you know what you’re doing and accept associated risks before you try to replace your cell phone screen. In addition, always make sure your device is unplugged and turned off before you begin repairs.

Every phone is different, but in general you can expect to take the following steps to replace your cell phone screen: 1. Separate the screen from the rear case. You might need to heat the screen and carefully pry it away 2. Disconnect various cables and screws 3. Swap out the old screen for the new 4. Reassemble your phone

If you’re going to go the DIY route to repairing or replacing your cell phone’s scratched or cracked screen, here are three online outlets that sell replacement parts (be sure to check manufacturer’s websites for replacement parts prices as well):

If you don’t want to replace your own cell phone screen, you can opt for a professional cell phone screen replacement service. Such services can range anywhere from $70 to $300 or more, but will typically not void your warranty or will provide insurance or warranties of their own. Keep in mind you will be without your phone for the duration of the repair and any applicable shipping.

If the cost of a replacement screen is more than you’d like to pay (especially for older cell phone models), you can consider selling your damaged cell phone and then using the funds toward the purchase of a new device. Several companies routinely purchase cell phones with cracked screens for a fair price.

Before you check prices, be sure to understand the condition of your cell phone so you can get accurate offers. In the vast majority of cases, a cell phone with a cracked screen will be considered to be in “broken” condition.

If your cell phone screen is cracked, you have options. You can attempt to replace your cell phone screen yourself, you can hire a professional to replace it, or you can sell your phone. No one wants to use a cell phone with a cracked screen, but when the unfortunate event occurs it’s fortunate to have options. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine which option is the best for your situation.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

At uBreakiFix, we specialize in cell phone repair and cell phone screen repair because we don’t believe that a shattered screen or broken battery should have to ruin your day. Smartphones connect us with the rest of the world and being without this lifeline can be a hassle. Bring your device to the uBreakiFix nearest you for a smartphone repair.

Every mobile phone repair at uBreakiFix starts with a free diagnostic exam, to find the root of the problem and allow the technician to determine the right cell phone screen repair path. Diagnostic exams are especially helpful if the problem with the device is unclear. Once the diagnostic exam is complete, the technician can explain all of your cell phone screen repair options and get started if you want to proceed.

Whether you need a phone screen repair, LCD replacement, water damage diagnostic or clean-up or any of our professional services, you can always be sure that your device is being handled carefully by the most knowledgeable technicians in the industry. Our techs care about you as much as we care about your cell phone repair, so we will keep you updated on every aspect of the repair as it happens. No matter if you have a Samsung, Apple, Sony, LG or any other brand, for our professional techs, no device is too new or too complicated.

Our low price guarantee ensures that you are getting the lowest possible price on your repair. If you can find a lower published price for the same cell phone screen repair, we will happily match and beat it by $5. Every repair also comes with our 1 year warranty should something happen after a phone repair.

We know what it’s like to break your favorite device and we don’t think you should have to be disconnected for any longer than necessary. If you choose uBreakiFix for your cell phone repair, you can be confident that you are getting the best service at the lowest price around. We’d love to complete your cell phone repair and get your phone back to you as good as new.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

We want you to be confident that you’re getting the best price. We’ll match any local competitor’s published price for the same repair and beat it by $5.

Our low price guarantee ensures that we always offer the best price to our customers. Just bring in any local competitor’s published price for the same repair, and we will happily match and beat their price by $5.

If the device you are seeking to repair is a repair service that uBreakiFix provides as an authorized service provider for an original equipment manufacturer, the local competitor must also be an authorized service provider and use original equipment manufacturer parts to repair the device

We reserve the right to verify the price of the identical, in-stock repair components at the retailer location (i.e., size, model, brand, color, spec).

Repair services that uBreakiFix provides as an authorized service provider for an original equipment manufacturer unless the local competitor is also an authorized service provider for the same original equipment manufacturer

uBreakiFix is the nationwide leader in professional same-day electronics repairs - including iPhone, Samsung, Computer, Macs, iPads and other tablet and cell phones. Our professionally trained and certified technicians provide fast and affordable iPhone repairs, cell phone screen replacements and all fixes for PCs, Macs and tablets. With 848 locations in all, we have more than a decade of experience diagnosing and fixing everything from Samsung repairs to iPad screen replacements.

Our team carries out same-day repairs, with a 1 year warranty and price match guarantee on all our work. In fact, iPhone screen repairs are often carried out in 45 minutes or less. Our technicians have expertly fixed more than 10,000 devices including cracked screen, water damage, defective speakers, battery problems and HDMI ports. Whatever the technical issue, we fix it all.

At uBreakiFix, we lead the industry in cell phone repair and computer replacements because of our reliability, affordability and quality service. No other team has a more rigorous training and certification process, and our team is able to fix electronic issues that are not even found by the average repair technician. That"s why we"re comfortable offering a 1 year warranty and pricing guarantee - we stand by the quality of our same-day repair. Whether we"re fixing your iPhone, Samsung, PC or Mac, we will make it work like it"s a brand-new device just taken out of the box.

At uBreakiFix we are passionate about our work and that passion can be felt in every repair that we do. We’re the best in the industry because we give every device the same care and attention that we would give our own. We treat each diagnosis and repair as a challenge waiting to be beaten and not like a chore that needs to be done. We take every opportunity to be better than we were yesterday, and we thought yesterday was a pretty good day.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

Samsung phones are known for their quality AMOLED displays. Unsurprisingly, they also cost a lot to replace if you accidentally crack them. If you have been using your Samsung phone with a broken screen after being put off by the high repair costs, the company has a new promotion (via Android Authority) you should take advantage of. For a limited time, the Korean giant will replace your phone"s cracked display for just $50 in the US — up to 80% off the usual price.

As is typical with such offers, there are a lot of terms and conditions you should be aware of. Firstly, the Galaxy Z Flip or Z Fold range of devices aren"t eligible for this promotion. It is only available for Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note9, and newer flagship S/Note devices and mid-range Galaxy A phones. Strangely, the S20 FE and S21 FE models are also not eligible for the program.

Secondly, you cannot walk into a Samsung repair center to claim the offer. You must initiate the screen replacement process through the company"s service page by logging into your Samsung account — you cannot claim the discount without a Samsung account. Then, you must use the mail-in service option to send your phone to Samsung for display replacement. Lastly, if the frame or bezel of your device is bent or has deep scratches, Samsung may refuse to fix it under the promotion.

The offer runs for two weeks, from June 13 through June 27. It will not apply to screen replacements through uBreakiFix, Best Buy, and Samsung repair vans. You are also out of luck if you have an international model that was not officially sold in the US.

Samsung charges upwards of $200 to replace the cracked display on almost all its flagship Galaxy S and Note lineup of phones. The Galaxy S22 and S21 Ultra screen replacements typically cost a whopping $289. For its mid-range A series, the pricing is mainly in the range of $129 to $159, while for budget phones, it starts from $79. You can find the official display repair pricing for all Samsung devices on its support page.

Given the steep display replacement pricing, if you have a reasonably recent flagship Galaxy S or Note device with a broken screen, you should take advantage of this offer.

phone lcd screen repair cost manufacturer

When inspecting a screen, remove any screen protectors and cases first. Tilt the device under good lighting conditions and inspect it at multiple angles. Screen damage includes hairline cracks that are difficult to see.

iPhone® X and above do not have a visible LDI. If you cannot identify your LDI on an iPhone X or above, we ask you to confirm the device has not been exposed to liquid.

Wearables like Apple & Samsung watches often don"t have visible LDIs. Check for moisture under the display screen, as well as corrosion, discoloration, and fuzzy growth on the charging connection.

If the device does not fully turn on and load the home screen or if it cannot stay on without being connected to a charger, it"s considered not able to turn on.

No matter how careful you are, accidents happen. Screen damage and liquid damage are not covered under the warranty, so T-Mobile can"t exchange devices with this damage. But, we don’t want you to be stuck with a broken phone, so you have two options to replace or repair your damaged device:

Before visiting a T-Mobile Store, please file a claim with Assurant, our Protection and Repair vendor. This will expedite your repair process and minimize your time in the store. Below are two convenient ways to file a claim.

Once the claim is filed, be sure to schedule an Assurant Repair appointment at one of our T-Mobile Device Service Locations via the text message or confirmation email sent from Assurant.