phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

Fixing a broken Android phone screen can cost anywhere from $100 to nearly $300. However, a DIY phone screen repair could cost$15 – $40. Expensive phones such as an iPhone 11 screen replacement costs $199 for an iPhone 11 display, $279 to replace an iPhone 11 Pro display and $329 to replace an iPhone 11 Pro Max screen.Android PhoneiPhone 11iPhone 11 ProiPhone 11 Pro Max$100 - $300$199$279$329

1. Hit Up with the ManufacturerIf your Android device is relatively new (read: still under manufacturer’s warranty), the first place you’ll want to go for your phone fix is the manufacturer. The price for a broken screen will vary depending on your device, but for a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge you’re probably looking at around $270 plus a day or two without your device. Going to the manufacturer is almost always going to be more expensive than a third-party repair shop, but your warranty will stay intact and your phone will be fully restored (possibly even replaced with a fully refurbished model) to its pre-broken-screen excellence (and waterproof phones, like the Galaxy S7 Edge ($230 at Amazon), will retain their waterproof status). (Source: CNET)

2. Amazon is the Cheapest Place to Repair older iPhone ScreensGetting a cracked iPhone screen fixed can be an expensive, time-consuming experience, especially if it’s out of warranty. You either have to set up an appointment at an Apple store and pay its official repair price, or put your faith in an off-brand repair shop to do as good of a job for a significantly lower price. Amazon Home Services is a lesser-known section of Amazon that pairs customers with professionals who can help with everything from TV mounting, to furniture assembly, to lawn maintenance. And yes, there’s a service for fixing your cracked iPhone screen. Apple’s prices for out-of-warranty iPhone screen repairs vary, but it costs $129 to get an iPhone 5S screen replaced — Amazon will only charge you $79.99. An iPhone 7 Plus screen repair will set you back $169 at Apple, but $119.99 at Amazon. That said, Apple beats Amazon’s prices on its newest phones. An iPhone 8 screen repair costs $149 at Apple versus $169.99 at Amazon; an iPhone 8 Plus screen repair costs $169 at Apple and $199.99 at Amazon. (Source: Seek Professional Help for Phone Screen Replacement

Warning: No matter how tech-savvy you are, do-it-yourself repairs always run the risk of damaging your device and likely void any warranties and insurance claims. Be sure you know what you’re doing and accept associated risks before you try to replace your cell phone screen. In addition, always make sure your device is unplugged and turned off before you begin repairs.

If you don’t want to replace your own cell phone screen, you can opt for a professional cell phone screen replacement service. Such services can range anywhere from $70 to $300 or more, but will typically not void your warranty or will provide insurance or warranties of their own. Keep in mind you will be without your phone for the duration of the repair and any applicable shipping.

Professional cell phone screen replacement services are offered by both manufacturers and third-party companies. You can find third-party cell phone repair services online and in local stores and shopping malls. Here are some popular cell phone screen replacement services:

Smash the display on Apple’s iPhone 11 Pro Max, for example, and you can expect to pay £326 to get it fixed by the tech giant if it’s out of warranty. If the damage sustained by the iPhone comes under ‘other damage’ (faults not related to the display), that number could rise to a whopping £596.44. (Source:

First, assess the damage, and that means getting your phone on a solid surface and in a good light, not just giving it a quick once-over before stuffing it back in your pocket. With a little bit of stress testing and careful prodding you should be able to work out whether the screen is about to fall off or fail completely. In a lot of cases it will stay in place, cracks and all, so you can at least keep tweeting, so long as the screen is still visible and functioning. If the phone is seriously damaged, get it backed up as quickly as you can, making sure all your photos and videos and important files are saved somewhere else just in case it dies completely and you can’t get it working again. If it’s already stopped functioning, then a professional repair is probably your best bet. Here are the solutions, in ascending order of professionalism.Option #1: Packing Tape

How to Replace a Damaged Phone Screen Display – DIYThere are so many different mobile phone models on the market (either new or used) that providing a standardized guide is next to impossible. Additionally, some models cannot be repaired without sending them back to the manufacturer. Head to YouTube to check how your particular phone’s display can be replaced. You’ll find many detailed device-specific guides on the procedure.Most smartphones are essentially made up of several layers of components. Each layer must be carefully detached for the glass display to be replaced.These guides typically follow this procedure for replacing your smartphone display:Open the phone

Apple has not had a good week. The launch of iOS 13 has been a mess with security concerns and the rush of updates are not much better. Millions of iPhones were made vulnerable and the company’s radical 2020 iPhone redesign was also leaked just as Apple is trying to tempt users to its new, more iterative models. And now comes an official Apple warning which will affect millions of users. (Source:

Cost to repair Phone Screen varies according to the Model, Manufacturer and what option you choose. Considering the fact that your Smart Phone is a part of your daily life and you cannot imagine your day-to-day activities without it, screen repair cost should not hurt you. However, Smart Phones are getting pricier everyday and so are the repair costs. We hope you will find the above guide useful for Phone Screen Repair and related costs.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

How much does it cost to fix a phone screen? And what"s the best option to get it repaired? Answering these questions seems like it should be easy, but with so many phone models and several repair options, it can get a little complicated.

A phone screen repair cost can vary depending on a few factors such as brand, model, and extent of the damage. This article will focus on the price difference between repair services, but it"s worth keeping these other factors in mind if you find yourself wondering why an iPhone 5s costs less to repair than an iPhone 13 for example.

If you want to know how much it cost to replace a phone screen, start by asking the manufacturer of your phone. For both Samsung and Apple phones, you have the option of getting your phone fixed through their official repair services. Benefits of this service include original parts, testing to ensure it"s restored to factory standards, and sometimes even repair warranties.

Repairing an Apple iPhone screen can cost anywhere between $129 to $329, with the iPhone 5 being the cheapest and the iPhone 13 coming in at the most expensive repair.

Meanwhile, an Android screen repair cost for Samsung phones ranges from $79 to $599 depending on the phone model. Samsung will repair phones as far back as the Galaxy A01 for the lowest price, but to repair the Galaxy Fold inner screen you will be paying the most expensive repair price.

Going direct to the manufacturer to repair your broken screen means that you get certified original phone parts and authorized service providers, but that doesn"t mean you should dismiss third-party repair shops. This is especially true if you want to save a bit of money.

While the prices will differ from place to place, using a repair calculator like Swappa can give you some ballpark estimates. As an example, an iPhone Xs can cost about $188, compared with Apple"s repair cost of $279.

On the other hand, a third-party repair for a Galaxy S8 will cost $223 while Samsung"s price is $219, making it a better choice to go with the manufacturer.

Another consideration to keep in mind is that, unlike the original phone manufacturer, third-party repair shops can replace just the front glass if that"s all that is broken, saving you a fair bit of money in the process (these prices might not be listed). If you suspect that only the glass is damaged, make sure to ask your local service provider if it"s possible to get a screen-only replacement.

To find a third-party phone repair shop, try your local mall, or else search Google Maps for a phone repair service near you. Another option is to ask an electronics shop if they can recommend a good repair service, or try an online repair calculator like Swappa which will show you a map of local repair businesses.

If you"re really on a budget, you could consider repairing the phone screen on your own. The upside is that the cost of materials and tools can be significantly cheaper than having a professional repair done. But the obvious downside is: you"re probably not a professional.

You can buy complete phone repair kits from places like iFixit, which include all the tools you need. While there isn"t a repair kit for every phone model, prices range from about $75 for an iPhone SE to $125 for an iPhone 11 repair kit.

It doesn"t always make sense to do a DIY repair, however. If you"ve never done your own repair then paying extra to have a professional handle it might just be easier.

On the other hand, when you can pay just $90 instead of $279 to replace your iPhone XS by doing it yourself, then you might want to give it a go. And in some cases like the Galaxy S6, Samsung doesn"t list it as a model that can be repaired through its service.

Now you should have a general understanding of how much it costs to repair a phone screen. You can head straight for a manufacturer repair, try searching for trusted third-party services, or attempt a DIY repair job.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

My Galaxy S 20+ 5G phone slipped out of my phone holster and fell to the concrete. Even though it was in a case the curved screen cracked on the bottom. I did some research on replacing the glass myself, and found"s YouTube video. After I determined that I wasn"t willing to try doing it myself, I decided to send it to them as they did a glass only replacement and didn"t charge me for the digitizer or amoled screen, which everyone else wanted to do because they bought the mini unit. Since mine were undamaged and working fine, I didn"t see any need to be forced into paying for parts that weren"t broken. I opted not to get any of the extra services such as expedited processing, expedited shipping or screen protectors and my cost was just over $200 with shipping. This is exactly what they quoted me before I sent it. It took about three weeks to get the phone back, but I was okay using my older Pixel 2 in the meantime. I just got the phone back today. The screen looks brand-new, with no bubbles or any other indication that it had been replaced. It works absently perfectly, with the digitizer recognizing my finger everywhere on the screen and the in screen fingerprint reader working as well as new. My wife has the Galaxy S 20 5G and has also cracked her screen in a similar manner. I fully expect to be sending her her phone next. If you glasses cracked I strongly endorse this company and advise you to get it fixed before it damages the digitizer or amoled screen and costs you double.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

However, if the digitizer or LCD is also damaged during a fall, that screen no longer carries value because it cannot be refurbished. Repair shops cannot sell broken LCDs to refurbishing companies; therefore, they cannot offset the cost of an LCD repair. That is why repair stores often charge a little extra if there is damage to the LCD or digitizer, to make up for that loss. Repair stores that don’t have an additional charge for an LCD repair typically inflate their glass repair price to make up for the loss from damaged LCDs. If they have one price, that means everyone is paying more to cover the cost of customers who have damaged LCDs and customers who only have cracked glass. This is why TCR separates the price of glass and LCD repairs for you! If you only have cracked glass, you only have to worry about paying to replace the cracked glass.

If your phone or tablet’s glass is shattered there will be cracks or chips on the screen itself. If it is just the glass that is damaged, the device may still function and you may be able to use it normally. If this is the case, it is likely that only the glass needs to be replaced. To prevent further damage to your device it is best to get it repaired quickly. For example, if liquids seep through the cracks it could cause permanent damage to the LCD.

Many people may continue to use their touchscreen with shattered glass and delay fixing the glass on their devices; however, if the touchscreen isn’t responsive, it could be a sign of more significant damage to the device’s digitizer which is integrated with the LCD screen.

A pixelated screen can indicate LCD damage. This would look like a patch of multicolored dots, a line or lines of discoloration, or a screen with rainbow colors. For many people, these colors are an easy way to know that their LCD is broken and that they should get it repaired.

Dropping your phone isn’t the only reason you’ll end up with a pixelated screen. Over time, your screen’s LCD may break down through regular use. This happens to other devices aside from your smartphone or tablet. Pixelation can happen to TVs and computers, too. People typically decide to buy a new device when this happens. Fortunately, with an LCD repair, you can fix the device without needing to replace it.

A black screen or black spots on your smartphone or tablet is an indication of a damaged LCD. Often with a bad LCD, a phone may still turn on and make noises, but there is no clear picture. This does not necessarily mean any other part of the phone is damaged and a simple screen replacement will get it functioning again. Sometimes it can mean a battery or other internal component is damaged. It is best to have a highly qualified phone repair technician diagnose what is wrong so the appropriate repair can be made.

Fortunately, your mobile device is fixable whether you cracked the glass or damaged the LCD. Stop by or call TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair at (919) 263-2699 for a free diagnostic and quick, affordable cell phone repair in Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. We’re always happy to help!

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

It"s the scenario that haunts every smartphone owner"s dreams. You"re sending a text, or you"re taking your phone out of your pocket, and then bam—gravity does its thing and your phone is on the ground with a screen full of spiderweb cracks. Taps plays in your head.

So what now? You know you"ll need to get your phone repaired, but you"ve got questions. How much will it cost? Which services do you really need? Should you use a case from now on? (We"ll just go ahead and say that yes: you should use a case from now on.) Keep reading our guide to cell phone repair to find out.

Truthfully, it depends. Lots of different factors have a hand in how much you"ll end up having to shell out to get your phone up and running again, such as:

What kind of phone you have. Older (but not too much older) models tend to be cheaper to fix than newer ones. You"ll also see different repair prices for Apple, Android, and Windows phones.

What all you"re having fixed. A general cell phone repair—which can include everything from screen and battery replacement to repairs made to buttons—will cost somewhere in the ballpark of $150-$200, but that price can rise if your phone has other/more problems.

Ah yes, the almost inevitable cracked phone screen. For as common as cell phone screen repair is, your options for where to take it, how much you"ll wind up paying, and how long it"ll take can vary wildly.

Where should I take it? You essentially have two options here: manufacturer or a third-party repair store. The benefit to going the manufacturer route is that if your phone"s still under warranty or a supplemental protection plan, you can save a good chunk of change on the repair. The downside, though, is that you may have to mail in your phone for the fix, which obviously will take a bit of time. Along with being able to shop around (or find local deals on our site), the draw to making an appointment at a third-party store is that frequently, your phone can be fixed in as little as a few hours.

How much will it cost? Fixing a broken phone screen can cost anywhere from $100 to nearly $300. If you have an iPhone 6S, for example, you can have Apple repair it for $129, which is considered relatively inexpensive for a manufacturer repair. Taking your phone to a third-party store via a deal on our site, though, will frequently only cost somewhere between $45 and $80. Note that that price can jump up if you end up needing a replacement battery or other essential hardware.

As with almost any cell phone repair, the cost of fixing water damage in your device varies. Here, though, is where the extent of the damage has the most impact.

The extent of the damage really matters. Many repair shops will either give you a free diagnostic check or charge you a refundable payment when you bring in your water-damaged device. After they take a look at your phone, they"ll let you know what you can expect to pay for the actual repair, or if a successful repair is even possible.

Not all water-damage symptoms are seen right away. Unfortunately, even after you"ve taken your phone to a shop, the effects of water damage you thought you rid yourself of (like a broken camera or blank screen) can crop up again in the days or weeks following the initial repair.

Bottom line: be prepared to pay according to how badly your phone"s damaged. A "simple" water-damage repair can run as little as $49, while complicated fixes can cost $100 or more.

They might, but not for the reason you might be imagining. It"s a common misconception that taking your device to a repair shop to get it fixed will negate the device"s manufacturer warranty. The good news is that this isn"t true! The bad news? It"s the damage itself that likely voided your manufacturer warranty. As with all high-end consumer electronics, be sure you know the fine print of any warranties or protection plans you decide to get with your phone.

If you"re reading this through a web of cracks or on a friend"s phone instead of your own, it"s probably time to get yours fixed. To give you an idea of the great phone-repair savings that can be had on our site, check out the below collection of top deals that are live right now. Not in one of these cities? Click here to search for great phone-repair deals near you.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

Have a broken iPhone screen? Here are three iPhone screen repair options and how much each costs, plus a breakdown of whether you should fix it or sell it.

NOTE: If your iPhone is still under warranty, check with Apple to see if you can get your screen fixed for free. Here’s Apple’s warranty coverage checker.

You can replace your own iPhone screen with a little tech savvy and a bit of patience. The repair requires disassembly, however, so you shouldn’t attempt this fix if you’re not comfortable doing that.

Your best bet is to buy a complete screen assembly, which is a much easier repair than replacing just the front glass or digitizer. Expect to pay between $45 and $280 for a new iPhone screen, depending on your model, where you buy parts and whether you buy a standard LCD or premium OLED screen. Toolkits start at $5 if you don’t already have the necessary tools.

WARNING: This can be a difficult repair, especially if you aren’t experienced. Understand the risk of additional damage that could void any warranties and insurance policies.Rather buy a new iPhone? Save with these iPhone deals

You can find detailed step-by-step instructions on sites like iFixit and YouTube. Here are some example videos for the iPhone 12, iPhone 11 and iPhone X.

Don’t want to fix your own iPhone screen? You can opt for professional repair instead. Local repair shops can often replace your screen in a few hours, either in-store or at your location. Online mail-in repair services take longer, but they’re good options if you don’t have a local repair store.

Expect to pay between $119 and $520 for professional iPhone screen replacement, depending on your model and repair shop. Note that Apple’s own repair service tops out at $329 for out-of-warranty screen repair. Apple also uses OEM (original equipment manufacturer parts), while many repair shops use less expensive aftermarket parts.

Mail-in repair services like iFixYouri and My Broken Phone typically charge between $100 and $200, but they don’t always list pricing for every repair on their websites. Sometimes, it’s because they haven’t updated their service offering lately, especially if newer devices aren’t listed. Other times, they can make the repair, but it’s too uncommon to stock parts.

In some cases, the repair is difficult and likely to damage the device, so it’s not profitable for the company to offer it. Or, the required parts are so expensive it’s not worth fixing. Either way, if the repair you need isn’t listed on a repair shop’s website, it’s a good idea to contact them anyway to see if they offer it.

It’s a good idea to ask about warranties on parts and labor before you choose a repair company. You should also inquire about your service tech’s experience, credentials and quality of parts.Interested in a refurbished iPhone 12? See where to get it for less

Do you have iPhone insurance? If so, you can file a claim directly with your insurance company, who might offer a choice between mail-in, in-store or on-location repair services. Some companies will overnight a refurbished replacement iPhone rather than repair and return yours.

Expect to pay a deductible ranging between $29 and $149, depending on your model and insurance company. Here are some example iPhone screen repair deductibles.InsureriPhone Screen Replacement Deductible

Should you fix your iPhone screen or sell it broken? You can base your decision on how much your iPhone is worth broken versus repaired, especially if you plan to upgrade soon.

For example, at the time of this writing, an iPhone X 64GB on the Verizon network was worth $255 in good condition. Here’s a breakdown of its net value after different repair options.

Next, compare the net value after repair to what your iPhone is worth in broken condition. At the time of this writing, a broken iPhone X 64GB on the Verizon network was worth $110.

As the table shows, our example iPhone will have significantly more value if you repair it yourself or file an insurance claim through AppleCare+ or Verizon.

However, SquareTrade insurance leaves a net value of $4 less than the phone is worth broken, while out-of-warranty Apple repair leaves a net value of $134 less, which means you’d lose money by going with those repair options.

The independent repair shop option leaves a net value of just $26 more than selling it broken, which might make you question whether repair is worth the hassle.

Of course, your decision depends not only on the value, but also how long you plan to keep your iPhone. If you intend to hold on to it for a few years, it’s cheaper to repair it than to buy a new iPhone.

If you plan to upgrade soon and trade in your old phone, however, it’s worth comparing your options to see whether you’ll get more value after repair or selling it as-is.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

This article was co-authored by Linh Le and by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA. Linh Le is a Certified Mobile Repair Specialist and the Owner of SC Mobile Repairs in San Clemente, California. With more than 12 years of experience, he specializes in smartphone, tablet, and smartwatch hardware repair. Linh has an iTech Mobile Device Repair Certification and an iOS Certification. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from The Franciscan University of Steubenville.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

Nowadays, phones are being updated all the time. Some phones are cheaper than others and sometimes the parts, like internal LCDs are more expensive than a cheaper end phone is to buy.

As there are so many phones coming out all the time, the LCD range that is stocked needs to cover the majority of these models. An ever increasing selection of mobile phone LCD screens are now available to the public.

Often, people will ask why one would want to change the broken LCD screen and not just buy a new phone? Well, firstly, the LCD price represents the price of the phone it is for.

An example being, If a phone cost ?50 new, an LCD for that phone would be available for around ?15 whereas a ?100 phones LCD screen would more likely cost about ?35. So it is always going to be a cheaper option to replace the LCD than the phone. Nowadays, some phones cost up to ?500 when purchased sim free. The LCDs again, reflect this and can cost up to ?180 or more. So, you may think that for the price of a new LCD, you can get a new phone for, right? Right, but it would not be the same phone as it costs ?500 to replace that model. People would rather spend x amount on repairing the current phone they have than spending the money on a new phone instead as the phone would be inferior to the broken phone. Not many people step down a model in a phone, like many other things in life, like a car, the desired model normally inclines rather than declines.

The fact that LCD"s are getting easier to fit with the correct tools openly available, many people are buying the parts needed and fixing the phone themselves rather than pay a qualified engineer to do the job and being without the phone whilst the work is carried out.

The majority of people with a high end phone would have bought it with an airtime contract from a network provider. The phones cost is heavily subsidised by the network when taken with a contract. So many people are unaware of the true cost or value of the phone if it needed to be replaced because it was free with a contract via a network. So when it needs a new LCD screen replaced, these people often suggest that its not worth spending money on as it was free. Then they learn that to replace the phone like for like it would cost ?200, a new LCD for ?55 is better than any new ?55 phone would be.

Many people find that they would rather repair the mobile phones LCD over buying a new phone because they have finally just got used to using it and it"s now discontinued so it"s hard to find an exact replacement and the thought of learning another mobile phone set up, just not appeal to them.

Other people need to repair the current phone that just has a broken LCD, as they have all their contacts stored on the phone so its vital to get the phone working again, even if it is just to retrieve the data stored on the phone. This data is often priceless information and if it’s a toss up between losing the data or spending ?100 plus for a new LCD part then its often ?100 or so well spent. As if you were unable to get the information then you would have lost numbers of people you would never get again.

The price of LCDs do drop as do the phone prices themselves. As a new phone comes out, the older model drops in price, so do the parts for it drop accordingly.

I can recommend a couple of items available to help out if such an event happens to you, firstly though, I feel that the most important thing to do is always keep a backup of your phone book. There is a range of SIM card back up devices available. Some copy from SIM card to a small stand alone device where no PC is needed. You can then put in a new sim card and copy all the entries over to the new sim card. Other devices come with PC software that can be linked up to a PC and entry details can be edited on the PC. This would be a better option as more data can be stored on here like calendar entries and text messages.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

On top of call difficulties, a broken speaker can also cause problems when watching videos or listening to podcasts. First, carefully check your phone to determine if there is any external damage. If nothing is visible, make sure the latest software update is installed on your device. In addition, try some basic troubleshooting by turning your phone on and off while leaving it unplugged.

If you’re covered by one of the Verizon device protection plans such as Verizon Protect or Total Mobile Protection, you can always reach out to Tech Coach. This personalized support service connects you with live, US-Based tech experts who can walk you through next steps on repairs. If you don’t have either plan, the app is also available for purchase separately for $9 per month. For New York residents, Tech Coach is available for $4 or $5 per month depending on the type of device.

Once a phone has water damage — from small spills to a full liquid plunge — there’s often no easy fix. The first step should be to check if your smartphone’s Liquid Contact Indicator has been activated. Most models, including Apple, LG and Samsung, have small visible indicators to show whether water damage has occurred. Consider peace of mind for those inevitable accidents with Verizon’s Verizon Protect or  Total Mobile Protection. Not only is your phone covered if it gets water damage, you may be eligible for a full replacement that same day.

From the rays in a hot car to a sunny day spent at the beach, high temps and direct sunlight can cause serious and lasting damage to a smartphone. Extreme heat can damage a smartphone’s internal components and result in slower speeds or even loss of data. And often the damage is not visible from the outside.

Before you panic, get your phone back to room temperature and exit all apps. Look over the exterior of the phone to see if the battery, which is especially sensitive to extreme heat, has leaked. And in all future situations, make sure to follow manufacturer recommendations. For example, Apple recommends not using a smartphone in temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

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All iFixScreens Stores are independently owned and operated and may not offer all of the repair and warranty types listed on this website. Contact your local store for their specific repair capabilities, prices and warranty terms. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPod touch, Mac and iMac are registered trademarks and property of Apple, Inc. iFixScreens is a third-party repair company and is not affiliated with Apple.

If you are vision-impaired or have some other impairment covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act or a similar law, and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to using this website, please contact Support at

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Almost all of us has been through the situation that a smartphone or a tablet is broken. Depending on many factors, you have a big decision to take. This decision should be also taken quickly because smartphones and tablets are indispensable nowadays. Most of us cannot spend hours or even minutes without checking smartphone or tablet. Given the importance of this decision, we provide you with tips on whether to repair your device or replace it with another new one.

The answer to that question may seem very straightforward: “of course, replace it with a new better one”. But things are not that simple unfortunately. The common myth that implies that new is always better is not true. For example, some new devices may be of larger screens which you do not like or heavier than older versions. Maybe a new device drains more battery than the old one which is critical to your daily use then makes you annoyed all the time. Perhaps you got used to your old device and it would be hard to start dealing with a new device. Also, there are many other examples which lead to the same conclusion: new is not always better.

Repairing a damaged device may be costly. The repairing costs may be close to the costs of purchasing a new device. However, it depends heavily on the type of damage and the part to be repaired. This kind of expensive fixes is not very common, according to a wide variety of regular users. In some cases, your device has become very old, and you want to get rid of it anyway, so you may choose to get a new one. Don’t make assumptions, it is easy to know the facts through a qualified enterprise. How much will the repair cost? What is the cost of buying a specific device? How much will I get selling my damaged device? Get all your questions answered through our technicians who are always eager to assist you.

Check how much time it would take to fix your screen. Then think how much time it would take you to setup a new device installing all your apps and running with all your settings. If the fix is a quick one that can be done on the spot while you wait for 30 minutes or so, then it is probably more efficient to go ahead and fix it.

In general, our opinion is that repairing your device is more efficient and money-saving. For the money part, most common fixes are way cheaper than replacing the device or purchasing a new one. For example, we offer screen fixes and replacement here in iFixScreens at very reasonable prices that cannot be compared to the prices of new devices. Also, our fixes are very quick because we know how important your device is to you. You will certainly keep your device that you get used to and keep your data untouched.

If you decided to fix your device find the nearest location to you or consider our mail in service. We will be glad to be of your assistance for any screen damage. Our highly qualified team can assist you with broken phone screens for many different devices check if your device is listed here.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

There are several issues that could cause your iPhone to not power on. Finding a repair shop that can offer a comprehensive diagnostic service is key. That’s why at uBreakiFix, our diagnostic services are completely free. Even if your phone won’t turn on, we have you covered. One of the most common iPhone issues is LCD damage. If the LCD is damaged from a drop or you are experiencing a hardware malfunction, it will look like your iPhone is not powering on.

Another common issue is a damaged or dirty charging port. Dirt and grime can get lodged in your charging port and can cause your phone not to charge. Has your phone’s battery life been less than great? We offer a quick and easy iPhone battery replacement service.

Accidents happen! Cracked screen are inevitable and when it happens you need a reliable repair shop that will provide a high quality and convenient repair. If your screen is broken, you have two main iPhone screen repair options: Glass or LCD repair. The front glass protects the screen and can break on its own. The LCD display controls what you see, and a broken one can look like pixelated lines or just a blank screen. No matter the model of iPhone you have we can fix all screens. iPhone screen replacements are one of the most common repairs we see in our stores.

Replacing an iPhone battery is a quick and easy fix! Our battery replacement service starts with a full diagnostic to see if it’s the battery or some other underlying problem. Over time, batteries naturally tend to degrade and the older your model the more prone the battery is to die. We can help you get the charge back in your iPhone. We have the highest quality batteries available in stock and waiting for you at your local store.

If you have dropped your iPhone in water, the first step is to get your phone to a repair professional as soon as possible. Corrosion can set in and cause circuits to short out, leaving you with very few repair options. We can run a complete water damage diagnostic to see how far along the damage is and if we can get your iPhone back from its watery grave.

A malfunctioning iPhone speaker is typically a software or a hardware issue. When diagnosing your phones sound issues, we first look at the software to make sure it is not due to a faulty app or some type of update issue. Software issues are quick to fix and are typically free under our diagnostics service. Hardware issues are more serious, but our techs are experts at fixing these too. In some cases, you may need a speaker replacement. If your speaker is damaged, it may stop working. We can replace your iPhone speakers the same day you bring it in and for a price that won’t break the bank. Come in for a free diagnostic!

Most of the time, fixing a slow iPhone could be as simple as freeing up space on your device. Keeping hundreds of photos, videos and downloaded files can cause your phone to be slow and deleting these will speed things up. Apps can also be a major culprit of slowing your iPhone down. We suggest removing any apps that could be running "background services" or tracking your location when you’re not using it. If you think you could still use some help optimizing your iPhone, bring it in for a free diagnostic. Our techs are ready to help speed up your iPhone.

phone lcd screen repair cost free sample

Accidental Damage is any damage due to an unintentional act that is not the direct result of a manufacturing defect or failure. Accidental damage is not covered under the standard warranty of the product. Such damage is often the result of a drop or an impact on the LCD screen or any other part of the product which may render the device non-functional. Such types of damage are only covered under an Accidental Damage service offering which is an optional add-on to the basic warranty of the product. Accidental Damage must not be confused with an occasional dead or stuck pixel on the LCD panel. For more information about dead or stuck pixels, see the Dell Display Pixel Guidelines.

NOTE: Other damages may be considered customer induced if determined by Dell Technical Support, an on-site field engineer, or at the mail-in repair center.

The LCD glass on the display is manufactured to rigorous specifications and standards and will not typically crack or break on its own under normal use. In general, cracked, or broken glass is considered accidental damage and is not covered under the standard warranty.

Internal cracks typically occur due to excessive force on the screen. This can be the result of some object hitting the screen, a drop, attempting to close the lid while an object is on the keypad area, or even holding the laptop by its screen.

Spots typically occur due to an external force hitting the screen causing damage to the LCD panel"s backlight assembly. While the top layer did not crack or break, the underlying area was compressed and damaged causing this effect.

If your Dell laptop LCD panel has any accidental damage but the laptop is not covered by the Accidental Damage service offering, contact Dell Technical Support for repair options.

Dell monitors cannot be repaired by an on-site field engineer or at the mail-in repair center. If you notice any damage to the monitor, you must purchase a new monitor.