phone lcd screen repair cost made in china

I order a brand-new LCD-Unit or Digitizer along with the adhesive tape (already cut out in the right dimensions) off a wholesaler, clean the frame with 99% alcohol and Q-tips or microfibre cloth and install the new screen onto the frame.

phone lcd screen repair cost made in china

Even if you are extremely careful with your hardware, it can be unavoidable at times to run into issues such as a cracked or broken computer screen. Just because you’re experiencing problems with your display doesn’t mean that your laptop is beyond saving, however.

You should also know that repairing your laptop screen isn’t always the easiest job, and there is a possibility you can make the problem worse while voiding the manufacturer warranty. It’s important to feel confident in your skills before you begin the process of replacing your screen, and to consider if you would be more comfortable taking it in to a qualified repair shop.

Even those who have never replaced a screen can manage to do it depending on the type of computer. Just be aware that if you own a laptop with a touch screen it can make the process much more challenging.

If you’re wondering about broken laptop screen repair costs, you’ll be happy to know it’s not as expensive as you may assume. Professional repair costs are usually around $300 or so [1]. If you are comfortable working on your laptop yourself, you can usually find replacement screens online for reasonable prices - sometimes as low as $50 to $100 - and it often only takes an hour or two to complete the replacement job.

If you’re willing to take the leap and do this yourself, then you can end up rescuing a computer you may have thought you needed to replace. Here are 5 steps you can take to successfully replace or repair your cracked computer screen.

Before you begin the process of changing your screen, it’s important to know exactly what’s wrong and what needs to be repaired. The type of device you have can influence how much you’ll have to pay for another screen, as will its age, which may make finding a replacement rather difficult. You should do some research online to find out if you even have the option to fix the screen yourself.

The first step is making sure the device powers up successfully and that the screen is the only issue you need to address. As a test, hook your laptop up to a separate monitor. If your laptop seems to function well, then it’s likely that the broken laptop screen is all you have to worry about. Keep in mind that some laptops need to have some function keys pressed in order for an external display to work properly.

You will also have to do a complete inspection of your computer to determine if your screen is the only problem. A destroyed graphics card or a computer that refuses to start up indicates that a new screen isn’t enough to get you up and running again.

Also, if the frame of your laptop has suffered physical damage, then you may have some difficulty repairing your screen. Once you have looked over your device and determined whether you can fix it on your own, it’s time find the right screen for your computer.

Note: If you’re concerned about your laptop’s touch screen repair, it can be more complicated to fix this problem without professional help. These displays are designed with factors like sensitivity in mind, so it’s a good idea to have an expert take a look at it, even if it means spending a bit more than anticipated.

One of the main reasons you should know the model of your laptop is so you’re sure that you’re purchasing the correct replacement screen. While a number of companies offer laptop screen repair kits that can make the process easier, if you order the wrong screen you won’t be able to make any repairs. If you’re having difficulty figuring out your computer model, you can visit the “Settings” menu and find the serial number to assist you in your search.

Fortunately, finding the right screen for your device doesn’t have to be stressful. Often you can find what you are looking for simply by entering your laptop model number into the search bar of online retailers. You may also want to include the search term “LCD” in order to narrow down the accessories that are available for your computer. For the most part, screens should be priced fairly reasonably and you may even be able to buy some for around $50, although it depends on the type of computer you have.

Some sellers may use another form of identification for the model of your laptop, so double check that you chose the right option before you purchase. Almost all the information you need should be displayed on the seller’s listing. Again, take the time to compare your device’s specs with the screen you’re purchasing, and also make sure that the video cable on the back of your screen matches what the vendor shows online. Most of the time, it’s fairly easy to know if the right screen is available.

You will need a few tools in order to properly install your new screen. These tools can make the process much simpler and allow you to fix things efficiently.

Screen repair kits are also available for certain models, so it can be worth it to research your type of computer and see if they’re available. These kits provide you with everything you need ahead of time so you can get to work and not worry about missing an essential tool. Of course, items around your home can work just as well while saving you a bit of money.

Once you have assembled the tools you need to replace the screen, you can get to work repairing your device. Lay the closed laptop on the flat surface you have chosen and keep your tools nearby.

Once you have done that, you should identify the stickers that cover screws on the screen bezel. You can usually find them near the bottom of your screen where the hinges would be when you have your display opened. There should be two.

From there, you will need to use a pin to remove the stickers located on the bezel so you don’t end up damaging them. You will need to use these later, once your screen is properly installed, so make sure they aren’t lost and that you store them sticky side up so you can reuse them. Put them in a safe spot so when you go to attach your new screen, they are easy to find.

You’ll then want to use your screwdriver to remove the screws that are now visible. You may have some difficulty depending on how tightly they were screwed in during manufacturing. For the most part, if your old screen is aligned fairly well, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to remove the screws. Place them in the dish so you don’t lose any.

It’s now time to gently remove the bezel. Make sure you are careful when removing your old screen’s bezel because you will need to reinstall it once the screen is replaced. By using a putty knife or other flat object, you should be able to pry your screen from your laptop case.

It may take a little effort to completely remove it. And don’t be alarmed if you hear some plastic snapping - that is the unfastening of the plastic tabs that hold your screen onto your case. If you have some trouble removing the old screen, the screws at the bottom might not be loosened enough, so stop and loosen them some more before trying again.

One of the trickier parts of replacing your laptop screen will be removing the LCD. First, make sure that the bezel is completely off so you can have unfettered access to the LCD screen. It will be secured onto the laptop’s metal frame, and you will have to take it off from the left and right sides.

There will be two more screws to loosen at the top corners before you can lift the screen slightly away from the metal frame. You’ll probably find a few more screws securing the LCD on the sides, and these will also need to be unscrewed. In some cases, heavy duty tape may have been used instead.

After you remove the attachments, your screen should now lie on your keyboard. It can be a bit of a challenge to make sure there is enough space between the LCD and the metal frame, but you should be gentle to avoid ruining the video cable that runs from the back of the screen to the body of the laptop. If this is damaged, you will need a professional’s help to repair it.

Now it’s time to disconnect the cable from the LCD. You can usually find the connectors in the center, though they may alternatively be located at the bottom of your screen. It’s likely that adhesive was used to connect the two, so you will need to gently pry one from the other. There may also be some tape that needs to be removed, but overall it should be pretty simple to disconnect your LCD from the video connector. Set it somewhere away from your tools.

As you remove the screen, you should be able to locate where your new one will go. Place it face down within the frame so it fits perfectly. After that, you can reattach the video connector so it is placed exactly where the previous LCD sat. Make sure that it is as aligned as possible then attach it with tape or adhesive.

Once that’s done, make sure the sides are secure. Reinsert the screws on the sides and top, or reattach any tape that was used to hold everything together. After everything is nicely tightened, you can put the bezel back on. Line it up so that it snaps properly into the screen case and won’t be easily loosened.

Reinsert the remaining screws into the bezel after you’re certain everything is snapped correctly into place. You shouldn’t be able to see any cracks at all along the edges of the screen. Once the screws are inserted, reattach the screw covers using your pin or needle.

Repairing a broken laptop screen doesn’t have to be done by a professional. If you have the time and interest, then you can end up saving a lot of money by doing it yourself. By following these DIY steps, you can have your laptop display back up and running in an hour or two.

phone lcd screen repair cost made in china

“Original” screens are those containing LCDs manufactured for Apple. “Copy” screens are compatible replacements entirely designed and manufactured by third-party companies not associated with Apple.

LCD display panel can have poorer resolution (i.e. looks “coarser”), worse brightness, contrast and vibrancy and reduced refresh rate amongst other problems.

Changes in specification from original can result in battery and performance issues. Certain badly-engineered screens could even damage the backlight circuitry.

Customers who bring their iPhones to us for a screen repair are offered two choices of replacement- an original or a “copy” screen. The most common response is “Is there a difference- and which one would you recommend?”

Originals are those screens containing LCDs that were manufactured for Apple. So-called “copy” screens are compatible replacements, but designed and manufactured entirely independently by third-party companies, typically in China.

Our answer is simple- the original screen is the one we’d go for ourselves, every time. Some people think we make more money on them, but this isn’t the case. We recommend originals because they’re far higher quality and the price difference is fairly small.

We’d rather only fit original screens. The only reason we don’t is that many people will shop around and choose purely on price. As such, we need to offer the cheaper copy screens to remain competitive and avoid losing these customers. In some cases, they didn’t even know there was a difference in the first place- especially since it’s not in some shops’ interest to draw people’s attention to the issue!

This may well be the worst copy screen we’ve ever come across. As a result, the unfortunate customer has ended up paying twice to have their screen replaced- we’re sure that had they been properly informed, they would have chosen an original in the first place.

While the difference in price between copies and originals can vary across devices, it’s generally around £10 – £14 extra to have an original screen fitted. This really isn’t a lot considering the improved quality and reliability.

We compare our prices to our competitors- and we know that we come out of it favourably. While we have to offer copy screens to remain competitive, we always advise customers to go for the original.

When you’ve spent- directly or indirectly- several hundred pounds for an iPhone with a Retina display, it doesn’t make sense to replace it with a lower-quality screen that can make a £400 phone look like a £40 one! Not only that, but you’re likely to have fewer issues, and a longer-lasting screen.

There’s nothing stopping any random person without training or experience opening up a smartphone repair shop. As a result, the industry is full of companies with little skill or experience who are only interested in getting hold of your money and installing the cheapest parts they can find.

Many- if not most- don’t even acknowledge the existence of copy screens, let alone explain the difference to the customer. Hardly in their interest to do so if they only fit cheap, low-quality copies. Some of them can hardly be blamed- they know so little, they’re not even clear on the differences between OEM, non-OEM and copy displays themselves! Others can be more deliberately misleading… and some outright lie.

Generally, these shops are looking for the cheapest price on replacement screens.. When offered a copy at a half or a third of a price of the original, they’re going to go for that. That might be fine if they offered the customer a cheaper price- what we disagree with is selling “supermarket beans” (i.e. the copy screens) at “Heinz beans” prices!

Heading towards the “blatantly fraudulent”, we’re aware of companies that shamelessly fit copy screens while claiming them to be original. Worse, they’ll take your broken original screen and sell that to a recycler for more than they paid for your copy!

Apple tightened up their supply chain around 2015, which reduced the number of screens available for repairs and increased their price dramatically. A lot of companies went bankrupt, and Chinese manufacturers responded by making their own “copy” screens from scratch. At first, these weren’t much cheaper than the Apple ones, but the price soon fell.

We should be clear that- despite the name- “copy” screens aren’t direct copies of the Apple originals. Rather, they’re compatible replacements that have been designed from scratch and- as a result- vary in some respects that have an effect on usability and quality.

One of the most important differences between an original and a “copy” screen is how the digitizer (touch sensor) is designed. Apple has it manufactured as part of the LCD itself, whereas the copies have it on the glass.

Although there are only a small number of manufacturers of the bare LCDs themselves, these are then bought by countless other companies who add the remaining components needed to turn these into a complete working screen. As a result, you could easily end up with an LCD from the best “copy” manufacturer, but the digitizer/touch (as part of the separately-manufactured glass) from the worst.

There are countless digitizers out there, and you can only take the supplier’s word that the quality is good. Many ship good ones at first, then switch to cheaper parts to make more profit. This is particularly bad with the iPhone 6S and 6S+, since Apple moved the chips responsible for touch processing onto the LCD itself. As a result, you’re not just getting a copy screen- you’re getting copy chips too.

The performance specification (power drain, etc.) of most copy screens isn’t identical to the originals. As a result, they can drain the battery more quickly and mislead the operating system which was optimised for the original screen design.

It’s even possible that this mismatch could damage your backlight. We do a lot of subcontracted repairs for less-experienced shops, and get backlight repairs in almost every day. We’ve had cases where we fixed the circuit, fitted the new copy screen to test it, and had it break the circuit again!

Copy screens can disrupt the touch ID fingerprint reader. With the 6S, 6S+, 7 and 7+, the home button- part of the 3D touch- is part of the screen assembly. Frequently the home button flexes on aftermarket designs don’t work properly and stop the touch ID working- annoying if you use it to unlock the phone or log in to your bank.

We’ve seen many lift away from the frame that holds them in place. This usually results in the flex cable getting torn, and the screen needing replacing. You don’t even need to have dropped the phone- this often happens through general everyday wear and tear.

That brings us to another major issue with the copies. When you drop an Apple original, the glass often breaks, but if the LCD itself is intact, you can continue to use it until it’s fixed. With the copies, the touch/digitizer is on the glass and stops working when that’s broken. Even worse, the LCD itself is more likely to break due to the thinner and more fragile glass.

We’re not convinced this will happen, since Apple recently changed their repair policy to accept iPhones with third-party screens. However, it is possible that copy screens could be stopped from working via an iOS update, since those make a number of security checks.