gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

The FPD1975W loses the Faroudja DCDi image processing and composite inputs, but it does have DVI-D with HDCP, 8ms refresh rate, 700:1 contrast ratio and 1440x900 screen resolution. It still has the autosensing rotation display switcher so you can view things in "longscreen". If you plan on doing quite a bit of your high-def viewing on the desktop and/or plan on getting a tuner card for your PC, this could be the monitor for you. It"s available now on Gateway"s website for $299.

gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

Pros: it is big monitor without all the bulkiness of a crt monitor its bright and automatically adjusts the monitors contrast color and brightness to the right levels. it can also switch from landscape view to portrait view if your reading a paper or something how ever if you want to do that you have to buy a swivel mount and download some software

gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

I have been able to repair these monitors. There are thirteen caps that need to be replaced. Ten on the power board and three on the video board. If any one would like to have the monitor repaired, contact me at, cost is forty dollars plus shipping.

Yet another victim. Same thing here...the power button blinks and intermittently, the screen does not come on. Spoke with Gateway and they said to go somewhere and pay to get it repaired. I"ve only had mine for about 18 months. Ridiculous

I have a 24" gateway monitor that I purchased just under two years ago and I have the exact same problem everyone is describing in this blog. I contacted Gateway and they were not only unwilling to help, but they were unable to even suggest what the problem was or where/how I could get it fixed. The fact that my monitor is on most of the time explains why the problem wasn’t an issue during the warranty period. When I did turn it off, it is now apparent that the faulty capacitor prevented the monitor to properly power back up and in the current situation, to never come back online. I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau citing poor quality control and/or the use of proper technical practices. Gateway simply responded with the fact that my monitor was out of warranty and refused to assist so it looks like the complaint was closed. I hope there is a class action suit because the thought of losing the capability of this $500 monitor after less than 2 years is sickening!

writing back to check back in with users of this forum, my LCD is still rolling along after the repair a few months ago. I have decided that the fix is worth it for me. if you do not want your LCD anymore, let me know and perhaps we can come to a compromise for you to part with it. ;) I am working to build a QUAD head machine with the LCD"s using Linux. I figure 4 of these 2185"s aught to do it. I am in south central TX if you want to sell it. post or message me.

It is a FPD2185W which I had purchased in late 2007. It was a great monitor until it failed. The screen stays black and the power button stays on. Upon disasembly I found the capacitors swollen.

The same thing happened to my FPD1975W monitor last night. I talked to the tech support with gateway and he talked to me like I was stupid. "Are your cables properly connected". Uh yes they are. I am smart enough to unhook my trash monitor and hook up my 10 year old CRT that still yeah. I just got off the phone with Best Buy and they told me they don"t do monitor repairs and to come in and buy a new one. I told them about this blog and replacing the copacitors and he said..."well yeah you can do that but I wouldn"t recommend it. It would be easier just to buy a new one. ??? This is crazy that these companies continue to cut corners to save a little cash and we the consumers have to suffer for it. (My XBox 360 got the red ring of death too...LOL) I"m disgusted with this and thanks to you fine people I"m about to go to Radio Shack now. What"s it gonna hurt, the monitor is broken anyway so I"ll give it a try. Thanks again for this blog and I"m down with the lawsuit!

Ive updated my facebook with the things I did to get mine running...special shout to Steve who helped me get the right part! as the semiconductor and diode looked the same, and I would have been stuck, since the other tech had sent me the wrong part. THANKS SMacuch! I now have a working 2185w but mine was semiconductor being fried,see photos, although my Caps were bulged very slightly i replaced them anyway since this seamed to be an on going problem in the forum. now if only my heart would trust the thing to not light my house on fire! its pretty scary to have smoke fleeing from the back of your monitor. I keep a fire extingisher nearby now. (halon style, not that white powder stuff that has to be cleaned up.)

yea I got the same issue I have a gateway fpd1975w hd flatscreen and the power inverter board blew up and I can"t find one anywhere also I took it down to the local repair shop and he said he couldn"t believe they were using this ancient stuff. Hmmm well gatway better do something because I am about to go for a lawyer this is bunk

yea I got the same issue I have a gateway fpd1975w hd flatscreen and the power inverter board blew up and I can"t find one anywhere also I took it down to the local repair shop and he said he couldn"t believe they were using this ancient stuff. Hmmm well gatway better do something because I am about to go for a lawyer this is bunk

yea I got the same issue I have a gateway fpd1975w hd flatscreen and the power inverter board blew up and I can"t find one anywhere also I took it down to the local repair shop and he said he couldn"t believe they were using this ancient stuff. Hmmm well gatway better do something because I am about to go for a lawyer this is bunk

I purchased a Gateway FPD2185W 21" monitor in Nov 2006. It quit working 15 months later with the same symptoms - won"t complete the powerup process - screen just flashes. I too was told by Gateway that I was S-O-L when I called them and was told to take it somewhere to get it fixed. I took it to Best Buy service who returned it and I was told that Gateway wouldn"t/couldn"t provide them with parts. I just resurrected the idea of getting it fixed and Gateway customer service was of little help. They told me to contact Skyline Engineering who, after contacting them, told me they don"t repair monitors. I have now contacted Jim to see if he can repair it.

My monitor has the same symptoms. Blue light on solid but no picture. The symptoms gradually got worse over the course of a few months until it finally went for good. If I take the time to power on/off many times it still starts working but just for a few minutes before going black again.

I have a FPD2485W that I bought in Nov 2007 and has just died Mar 2009. Gateway is completely unhelpful and they try to get you to prepay for a block minutes of support when it will probably cost more to fix the monitor than buy a new one.

Don"t ever use Gateways Pay number when your talking about LCD Monitor troubleshooting, HUGE waste of time / money. Owners of Gateway LCD monitors should expect 1-2 years of life out of them if you allow the monitor to go into power saving mode. Your only recourse is to repair that monitor and hope that some fool will buy it off you before it fails again a year later. If you are the owner of a Gateway LCD WideScreen monitor, try and return it, or POWER IT OFF WHEN NOT IN USE. Allowing the monitor to go into Power Saving Mode (amber light), stresses the capacitors, and reduces lcd life.

I"m so glad I found this page as my FPD2185W went on me after 3 years of service. After replacing the 8 capacitors, the monitor is up and running again. Hope I get at least another 3 years of service out of it. Perhaps I have fat fingers because the repair process required a lot of patience and more than an hour for me. The job isn"t difficult, just tedious. Just take a look at the pictures from Brian facebook page on the above post. Anyways, I"m in the KW area (near TO). If anyone needs help with the repair, drop me a line at (pot8toe at

I purchased a Gateway 24" FP2407 (FPD2485W) in the beginning of 2007 from Best Buy. Out of the box the power board made an annoying buzz sound when plugged in, and a quiet whining sound while running. Over the time while the monitor was working I noticed a change in the way the menu system responded and that the connection notification that pops up when you turn the monitor on started staying up for nearly a full minute.

Then last Thursday the monitor stopped working. The power light was blue, but the screen was off and the menu was non-responsive. After unplugging the power and plugging it back in the screen started flashing between black, white, red, green, and blue at about 2 second intervals. After toying with plugging the monitor into different power supplies as recommended by several help forums recommended the blue power light stopped coming on all together. I suspect the problem is the main power board. After Gateway flat refused to help me, refused to provide contact info for a parts vendor who stocks their parts, and after refusing to forward me to a supervisor because "the supervisor WILL NOT take calls about products that are out of warranty" I decided to crack open the case. Upon visual inspection none of the compacitors appear bulged and none of the other components have obvious signs of failure. When I plug the board in now, it buzzes for the first couple of seconds but then nothing else happens.

I too have a Gateway FPD 1960 H that was manufactured in April 2006. It"s inverter died and in desperation I too tryed replacment capasiter"s with out luck.

I feel that they "Gateway should not get away with dumping China"s trash on the market, we as consumers should have the right to meet every vessel from china and have the items for sale or trade on board condemed as un fit for sale and destroyed.

I have replaced all the capacitors with no luck. I started with the cluster of 8 which didn"t make a difference and then I replaced every other capacitor on the power board, still with no luck. None of the capacitors I replaced were bulging or leaking so I"m not too surprised that it still doesn"t work. And yes, all new capacitors are installed in the right direction. Also, there is no other visible sign of any other problem components. Well it was worth a try. Can anyone suggest anything else to try or is it time to give up? Sign me up for class action lawsuit if it ever gets going. What a pofs this monitor was.

I have the same problem. My monitor just died today, though I started to see a few odd signs a while ago. Now the blue light is stuck on and the monitor flashes between black and the gateway logo. I"m pretty sure my monitor is out of warranty as I"ve owned it longer then a year.

I and my daughter each have a 19" monitor that has done this same thing. What has occurred about the original post to get a lawyer with 100 victims? There are such a number of posts I do not have time to sort through them. Hope you are up for more work Jim.......

It may be the PS itself or even a fried LCD. If you don"t see any sign of capacitor damage (ie Burnt or Bulged), its no longer a DIY job folks. Take it to a professional who can test every resistor and transistor on the board or order a replacement power supply some how.

Add me to the class action list. Gateway rep said they have heard of no problems with these monitors. Mine is FPD2275W. Thinking of trying my hand at fixing it, can"t be any more broken than it is now !

Someone really needs to get serious about calling a lawyer. If you"re afraid that someone else already has, it"s obvious it hasn"t. Even if two people call different lawyers, we could probably make Gateway cover the fees.

Gateway should have stood behind reaplaceing these power supply boards... I suspect for every one person on this board there are 50 that have had the same issue.

what if i have the same problem as the screen showing the gateway logo then going black but after carefuly taking it apart nothing looks bad no bubbles on the capacitors please help i need this for school and cant buy another no money i got laid off thanks

I have a HD2200 22" LCD gateway monitor and it was manufactured in 3/08 i bought it in 7/08. It is now 4/09 and it just went out. I spent 300 dollars less then a year ago and now i have to spend more. I called the "help" line and they told me nothing helpful. What can we do about this?

Every couple months we get new reports of Gateway LCD Monitor failures from the public. The company needs to give up and go back to building faulty PC"s.

For those that are new... Welcome to the "Gateway Monitor Recall Support Group"! Please Read the thread from BEGINING TO END! There are many guides which walk you though the dissasembly process in order to get to the faulty power supply. If your capactors are visually buldged your chances of success are high. If you see no visable damage to your power supply board, your odds of success are slim and you should consider sending the monitor into a profesional TV repair man.

my gateway monitor just went dark today after one and one half years. when you unplug it and plug it back in it comes on for a second then goes dark again . i am interested in following up on the class action suit.

Had to login and give thanks to all in this "support" group since Gateway offered none. You motivated me to tear apart my 1.5 year-old 24" FPD2485W and replace/upgrade the capacitors. $12 in parts and two hours later the monitor is working good as new again.

I have 2 FPD2485W"s. Both are now bad, after 1.5 years. They started with this problem just after warranty. Gateway would do nothing about it. I always thought Gateway was junk; now I know it. Count me in.

Unbelievable this thing is a piece of crap. I"ve been screwing around leaving notes on the computer not to shut it off. Well it shut off eventually by itself. I can"t get the monitor to come back on. Plug it in and just a faint blue light.

I also have a gateway 22 inch fpd2275w, and it no longer works, a consumer should expect that a product will last longer than this monitor has, if HP is having this much of a systemic problem they should consider getting a warranty upgrade on their reputation or they will fizzle out themselves.

I have the Gateway FPD2275W that crapped out on me after 1.5 years. If there is going to be a lawsuit I definitely want in. $300 bucks down the drain. I didn"t realize that ACER was also Gateway. Are they trying to change the name so they can still sell faulty products?

I purchased a Gateway FPD2185W 21" monitor in Nov 2006. It quit working 15 months later with the same symptoms - won"t complete the powerup process - screen just flashes. I too was told by Gateway that I was S-O-L when I called them and was told to take it somewhere to get it fixed. I took it to Best Buy service who returned it and I was told that Gateway wouldn"t/couldn"t provide them with parts.

May 18, 2009 RE: Case #98412238 Thank you for your recent inquiry on behalf of Mr. Smith. Gateway appreciates the Better Business Bureau’s efforts to resolve consumer complaints and to promote communications between businesses and consumers. A member of Gateway’s Corporate Customer Care has spoken with Mr. Smith regarding this matter. Mr. Smith has been informed that as much as we would like to assist him with his issue, Gateway does not provide service for monitors that are out of warranty. Gateway sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that Mr. Smith may have experienced. I want to take this opportunity to emphasize that we at Gateway stand behind our products. We are very proud of both our quality record and our service capabilities I hope this letter has satisfactorily addressed the Better Business Bureau’s concerns. Thank you again for your inquiry and for providing Gateway with this opportunity to respond. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, Phillip Corporate Customer Care

Gateway is raking us across the coals with its 1yr warranty policy, its good to know once in a while some one can throw one of those coals right back at em. I hope it falls apart in their hands and stubs some Vice Presidents big toe! Extended warranty. LoL. Swapping the P/S with your old one is probably illegal, but for some reason I"m still LMAO!

Those wanting to be added to a possible CA, should stay subscribed. I"m sure Lawyers unknowingly bought a Gateway Fire Hazard Monitor too. That same Lawyer will undoubtedly get the same tun around at the help desk. Before he/she chucks the Monitor in the trash, he/she will google Gateway Defective Monitor and find the 200+ of us.

Through our company, my predecessor purchased Gateway computers and monitors for some reason. Slowly, I have watched them all die under the same scenario outlined here. Currently we still have about 22 Gateway FPD1965 monitors running, but several have died, 3 just within the 6 weeks. Slowly, I am having to replace all of them with a better name due to the same issues, either bad power supplies or the CCFL lamp fails to light. I have fixed a couple, but my time is worth more than some of these monitors. I must concur that Gateway is selling an inferior product and they need to do something about it. FYI- all the monitors I have taken apart say they were manufactured by Proview Technology Corp. I will never spend another dime on Gateway products.

Gateway won"t even talk to me unless I pay $59 to call their after warranty number. i have seen the youtube video of the person who has the same problem. as seen here:

Tell you what, when this monitor works it ROCKS, but now it is useless to me especially in my time of financial need, i can"t really go out and buy another quality monitor right now. I also had the blackouts but didn"t even mind them. They only happened when connected to my mac but not when i was watching tv but this green tint thing is horrible just like gateway service. despite my hatred for gateway right now, i even considered buying another at the current sub 1k prices with and extended warranty but can"t even find a reputable place right now that has it in stock and would honor such a warranty. it was a great monitor when it WORKED and yes i used many of the inputs on it. i may have to go dell unless there is a new competitor that can rival a fully functional xhd3000.

I posted a little over a year ago regarding the death of my FPD2185W, which is now in the land fill, but I wanted to add something. If you toss the monitor, hold onto the stand. The mounting plate on the back is universal and connects easily to the variety new monitors coming out with fixed-height, fixed orientation stands. The rotating and telescoping aspects of the FPD2185W can really add facility. I"ve got a friend who really wants to buy a used one.

I too have just got off the chat line with Gateway regarding my FPD2275W monitor going black. They told me it was out of warranty they could not help me call a repairman...I"m now on a FPD1520 that I have had for years with no problems....can anyone tell me where to purchase the parts needed to fix this....I have never did this before but I"m not wanting to pay another 400.00 for a new one....Thank You

Same problem. Only Ive had mine for over three years. I love this monitor. I just took it apart and Im heading out to get the parts to fix it. With all the things we use on a daily bases sometimes things break down, get worn out or just need maintained. So then fix it. Dont cry! You dont start riding your old bike when your car has trouble. You fix it, right?

I have read your replies abut fixing it, and I do know how to solder, but I need a working monitor for my A replacement is essential.

Just found this blog after our Gateway FPD1975W started acting exactly as everyone else has described. It"s about 2.5 years old. Before that, I loved it. Guess we"re going back to Dell. I won"t waste my time trying to contact Gateway after reading the blog. Thanks for the info. I"m definitely interested if there is a class action suit filed.

So my second 2185 finally blew and I decided to get off my ass and call Gateway since I bought the 3 yr warranty on 2 of my 3 monitors. Gateway tells me that there is no such thing and the maximum is 1 yr limited. LOL Well since I had a receipt FROM GATEWAY showing I had 3 yr warrantys on the 2 monitors I bought FROM THEM... they decided it might be true and are fixing my monitors. Pretty annoyed I had to fight to prove they sold me a 3 yr warranty but at least two will be fixed this round and next round I will just have to fix them myself. Funny, my 24" Dell is always on and never has had an issue.

Gateway FPD2185W 21" died on me also. Cannot turn off or on, unplug and plug back in, bright blue light on power button then it dims. Monitor does not turn on at all.

Anyone who purchases a Gateway product after reading these posts is an idiot. It will cost Gateway far more in lost business than to just replace these monitors with new ones. But, it is obvious that Gateway management does not have proper skills in running a business. Let"s start a pool... How long until Gateway goes out of business? I say January 2010. Any takers?

Gateway FPD1975W. Power button works perhaps 1/10 of the time. Roughly once a month, it goes into "security mode" as if I stole the thing. Sorry, Gateway, but it"s been mine since day 1... and I will never buy a Gateway product again based on this experience.

My first 21" gateway monitor FPD2185W died at 11 months. Gateway replaced it. The second one died in 13 months. What a piece of ____! I will never purchase Gateway again. That on/off switch failing seems to be the culprit. I had same issue as described in the other posts. I am interested in a cheap repair part when anyone figures it out, please let me know. Just packed up the monitor, so do i keep or take off for recycle? Gateway needs to be forced to address this issue. What scammers...

I also have had this problem with my Gateway monitor after 1.5 years...the blue off and on light stays on...I turned it off and when I turned it back on all I got was a flashing message that said GATEWAY. It doesnt do that anymore. If anyone knows where one might get this fixed or how too...please I would appreciate knowing or and receiving this information...thanks.

I now own 2 of these wretched things. Not only did Gateway not help me with htem when they just "died", but they attempted to charge me money just to tell me that they sold me defective merchandise and they could not service what they sell.

Gateway bought the company E-MAchines, and they were both recently purchased by ACER. I just offered to buy the stupid company for $2.00, so that I could fix it and make it profitable again. Either way, count me in on the class action for the defective inverter boards, which is what everyone seems to be saying is wrong with them. Louis.

have a beautiful 42" LG 10809 HD great. may go with LG or Dell 24" monitor...just will fork out the extra money for another 3 yr. warranty.

I"m really glad I found this. I got an FPD2275W in march 2007 and it worked great up until july. I just happened to be bored and wanted to try and fix the monitor. Found this and took the monitor apart and what do I find?

I"m heading up to radio shack tomorrow to get a replacement capacitor and hopefully that"ll last a while. This is the last gateway product I"ll probably buy. Terrible support as well.

I purchased the gateway 21 inch FPD2185W monitor 22 months ago and mine has failed today. When the power button is pushed it glows faintly blue and then fades out completely with nothing appearing on screen. I did not buy the extended warranty because I have had good luck with gateway in the past. I opened it up and I had 7 out of the 8 capacitors ruined. I can fix this but the fact is gateway sold this monitor with a 1 year warranty when the standard at the time was 3 years. They knew something was wrong with this product as so many people have had this same problem and they refuse to stand behind there customers. I will no longer purchase a product from gateway.

I have 2 of the model lp2207 monitors prod # fpd2275w. This morning, 8/10/09, I found the primary one off as though no power was available. Further research proved the power cable was good. but the monitor"s power supply is most likely dead. There is no power to the on/off membrane button.

I wrote Gateway about the problem. Their response was that since it was made in 2/2007, it is over two years old, out of warranty. Their suggestion was to see a local technician.

I am very disappointed in Gateway. Service is the name of the game to differentiate one look-a-like company from another. They took a dive on that one.

Bought a Gateway Model LP2207 FP02275W 22" flat screen LCD monitor, came with a package deal from Bestbuy. Tower, monitor etc. Probably out of warranty, as it was made Jan 2007. Yesterday, went to get computer out of snooze mode, and nothing happened. Had blue light, no picture, turned comp on then off, nothing, showed gateway logo, then blackscreen. I found that I could see the picture for 1 second if you unplugged the monitor cable from monitor, then plugged it back in, It then went back to black screen. I did Google search, came to these web pages, took apart monitor, and found one 1000uf 25v cap bulged out, went to Radio Shack, bought a 1000uf 35v cap, solder, and a solder gun, Cost $13.00. Replaced cap, put back together, Works fine now. Some ppl say to replace all caps, but it wasn"t too hard, so I will wait until another one pops. Just watch that connection that goes to your menu buttons, I accidentally pulled mine from it"s socket, and it was a pain to get it back in.

I Have Also Experienced This. I have A Gateway FPD2185W TFT LCD monitor And The Exact Day The Warranty Ran Out, The Monitor Mysteriously Stopped Working. This Is A VERY Expensive Monitor And I Was Very Upset. I"ve Emailed Gateway, But They Can Hardly Speak English. I Support The Law Suit.

I too have a FPD2185W that recently died in this fashion, Gateway is less than worthless in supporting their customers and something needs to be done,

I just recently had the exact same problem with my monitor..It"s a little over a year old..and just went blank but still had came bk for a few days then I turned it off over night and it never went back on..Thats crap!! I paid $1300.00 for the computer and monitor from Gateway...and get no help replacing a monitor that clearly has a manufacturer defect!! I will be getting on the list as soon as info about a class action suit is started up!!! I"m stuck buying a new monitor...and this one is not worth fixing!!

I have the FPD1975W monitor which came with the Gateway PC system I bought from Best Buy in 8/06. It went out on me this weekend, but not the same way as all of you here have described. Two days ago, my system went into standby mode. When I tried to wake it, my monitor responded with a black screen and no blue power on light for 2 seconds, then the blue light lit for about a second, a color pattern test screen flashed and the blue light went out. This pattern repeated every 2 seconds. Rebooting solved the problem. The next time I needed to come out of standby mode, the same thing happened. Rebooting solved the problem, but the monitor seemed more sluggish in coming on. I would just get flashes of the screen as Windows loaded. The 3rd time, nothing except the 1 second/2 second pattern. Tried online chat with Gateway tech and got the out of warrenty take for repair response. Now using a CRT monitor that fortunately I"ve been procrastinating about taking to the recycling center. Funny what people said, "cause now I remember that sometimes I had to press the power button a couple times to turn the monitor off or on.

Do any of you technical guys think that my monitor issue is related to the capicitor issue? I worked for Motorola in one of their factories, so I know about PCB"s and parts and polarity and assembly/disassembly and soldering, so don"t be afraid to talk technically.

When I received my brand new 30" XHD3000 it was flashing as soon as I turned it on. I contacted gateway and they replaced it.One year and 4 months later the replacement did the same thing. Their response (too bad it"s out of warranty)This is more than bad business, it is wrong! They need to recall and fix this problem as microsoft did with their x-boxes. I am in for a class action suit.

My Gateway FPD1960 with Mfg date of Jan 2006 had the same problem as many of the other models listed here. It would turn on for 1 second and then go black screen. Clearly the thing has a few years on it and is out of warranty so I don"t overly blame Gateway on this one.

Monitor not turning on unless you unplug it. Auto rotate working sometimes. I should have looked at the open box section first. A few weeks later I saw 3 of the same model returned. Figured buying a full rig from Gateway would run smooth. My 5 year old windows xp home made computer is faster.

I have a Gateway LP2207/fpd2275w monitor that stopped working and it too is the defective capacity/misengineered power supply. I thought I bought the best monitor available at the time and was bummed when it died a few months ago. I"d love to have this Monitor replaced. Thanks!!

I have a Gateway LP2207/fpd2275w monitor that stopped working and it too is the defective capacity/misengineered power supply. I thought I bought the best monitor available at the time and was bummed when it died a few months ago. I"d love to have this Monitor replaced. Thanks!!

Same here. After about 6 months the monitor was a little flickery, I assumed it was an old VGA cable and didn"t worry about it. Then this weekend the monitor went black and the image will not stay on more than 2 seconds after power-up. This is lovely timing because it"s just a couple months beyond warranty.

Chalk me up as another victim of the Gateway monitor shaft. XHD3000 30 inch, paid $1800+ with tax - constant flickering problem after ~18 months just like the guy posted in that YouTube video. I had the lovely "take a hike, the warranty is over" customer service experience as well.

Along with writing scathing reviews of the product and company on Amazon, CNET, Gateway"s site etc, I have also filed a complaint with the BBB and may start digging around for information on how to get a CA lawsuit rolling. I"m sure Gateway is hoping everyone just continues to let this slide as they continue to pass off junk products to consumers.

I also work at CNN and might poke around a little bit to see if I can get the Tech section for interested in any sort of "consumer beware" story on buying new computers/ computer products to shed some light on how terrible Gateway has become. I"ll be sure to link them to this blog in particular if anything should come of it.

Wow, so many problems with Gateway monitor"s. I also have a 30" XHD3000 and like many others, it died about 1 week after the warranty was over. The current monitor I have is also a replacement. I now have green pixels flickering and 3 red lines down the screen. Paid about 1700 for it and I will never ever purchase a Gateway item again. Got the your SOL response from them also.

It"s unfourtunate that most of the posts here are from Americans as here in the UK a warranty for electrical goods isn"t worth the paper it"s written on... We have a law called "The Sale Of Goods Act" which states that all electrical goods must be fit for the purpose for which they were sold and be fit for this purpose for a minimum of 5 years. I too had one of the faulty Gateway monitors and received the same "out of warranty" reply from their customer service department upon it"s demise. I merely informed them that I was aware of the "Sale Of Goods Act" and if they didn"t replace the monitor I would sue them. Within 24 hours I collected my new monitor:) It might be worth you American buyers checking whether any such law applies in your own state...?

My FPD2275W monitor started smoking ax I was in front of it today - turned it off and unplugged for a few minutes and tried turning it on again. I get the Gateway spash screen, but that"s it. Turns itself off again in about 10 seconds. I called Costco, who in turn called Gateway - nothing they can do (or want to do) even though it is a potential fire hazard.

WOW! 315 complaint comments and counting. I guess I make 316. I bought my first Gateway HXD3000 30" monitor in the fall of 2007. Thankfully it became unusable about 2 weeks before the one year warranty expired. Gateway did replace the monitor, but it cost me @$215 to send it back to Gateway. The replacement has now ALSO become unusable with a terrible flicker and annoying bars across the screen. Of course this one died about 2 weeks AFTER the one year warranty. I had the typical response from Gateway...NOT OUR PROB...OUT OF WARRANTY. These people should not be allowed to be in business!

Hi. This is to let everyone know that replacing two caps in a Gateway FPD2275W corrected the black screen issue. One was a 1000 microfarad, and the other was a 100 microfarad cap. Both were bulged on the end, and one had a bit of brown fluid leaking from it.

To remove the front bezel, start at the left hand side (from the normal viewing position). The clips are about 1/3 rd. and 2/3s the way down. These monitors are not meant to be taken apart, so they don"t make it easy.

This was my first time working on a Gateway monitor. I had previously repaired a Viewsonic, so Gate-way is not the only monitor to have this fault. As an aside, many people have lost their whole computers to the same faulty caps.

Same problem as all the rest. Powers on for a moment then goes black get it to work for a few day until the computer reboots then have to unplug and play with it a bit to come back on. Now it is totally dead. Gateway of course says its out of warranty. I found that it might be the capacitors in the monitor. I will find out once I have purchased all 18 or so capacitors and have them replaced. I looks to me that most of them are bad. Looks like cheap components.

I"m yet another victim of Gateway. I purchased the FPD2185W back in Sep"06 and it died about 2.5-years later. I finally got around to trying to resolve it with Gateway support and their solution was "too bad, so sad" because I was out of the 1-year warranty. I didn"t even get any help as to who I should go to to fix the monitor. I totally wasted my time support and $$ on the monitor. My next step is to go to the dump and pay the fee. My solution to all this, I will never buy a gateway anything as long as I live. I promise.

Another dead Gateway (LP2207). It died 7 days after warranty died! Mfg date March 2007. Sign me up for the revolt.(I"ll bring the BIG hammer!) I just had to fix my 47" Samsung LCD after 2 years. Seems like Samsung is just as guilty as Gateway. This is rediculous.

I bought a Gateway FPD1975W monitor a few years ago from Best Buy, and it have taken good care of it and it randomly started flickering and now it barely turns on!!! I wrote Gateway and they told me it was out of warranty and that if I wanted they would send me info on local tech people that could fix it at my expense!!! If this is not illegal to sell merchandise that one knows will break then it should be!

I bought a Gateway FPD1975W monitor a few years ago from Best Buy, and it have taken good care of it and it randomly started flickering and now it barely turns on!!! I wrote Gateway and they told me it was out of warranty and that if I wanted they would send me info on local tech people that could fix it at my expense!!! If this is not illegal to sell merchandise that one knows will break then it should be!

I bought a Gateway FPD1975W TFT LCD Monitor a few years ago for college and it just recently started flickering and turning off! I am furious that this has been a common problem! I wrote Gateway and they said my warranty was out of date and that they can give me some info on local repair at my expense! I am too poor to buy a new monitor or a lawsuit. Contact me if I can be of use, I still have my Best Buy receipts.

I previously posted on 09/07/09 about my problem with my Gateway monitor. I just fixed mine by swapping out the 5 large capacitors as suggested here. It has been working all day. But, for how long? I will post if it stops working again.

I know this blog has over 300 comments, but if one reads through it in its entirety, there is alot of good info. And yes, several posts have talked about the original capacitors being 25v and replacing with 35v. Which seems to be advised. That is what I just replace. The original caps with the Radio Shack 35v caps. 2 originals were bowed on the top, but since I bought 8 caps and had my monitor open, I just replaced the 5 similar caps I saw. I will return the 3 extras for a refund. I had no hopes of this monitor working again, but after the replacement, I was amazed when it powered up and was as good as new.

Good and bad news, good news, my work was throwing away a FPD1975W, I replaced the 3 bulging capacitors with 3 470uf 25v capacitors from an old broken Playstation 2. Works like a charm! Bad news, my FPD2175W is still broken, replacing bulging capacitors didn"t work. Going to try replacing the 220uf 25v, except those look like they are for the backlight which is currently working after my capacitor replacement... the video board seems like it"s not working. (I replaced the 3 470uf 16v with 3 470uf 35v)

Yeah wow I also have the gateway fpd2185w. I had warrenty they replaced it but than it craped out on me after a few months. Just like the original.I had purchased it from circuit city and now circuit city is out of business and the warrenty people are being shady.This seems to be a common problem i will never buy from gateway again.

I"ll take all the monitors that I can get. Most of these monitors can be repaired. I work on them all the time and once in a while I"ll get one that is beyond repair.

My HDX3000 was manufactured in April of 2008. I got it for about a year brand new for $1600. Just today I noticed the flickering and black out for a few seconds then came back on. Now the flickering just won"t stop. Contacted Gateway and they simply said it"s out of warranty and to find a repair shop. End of the story. Now I am stock with a 30 inch $1600 junk! I am mad!

Fixed two of these, one was mine, an FPD2185w, and my mom"s FPD2275. The 21 had the 470uf issue, after replacing all 8 (just to be safe) it worked. The 22 inch had the 1000uf bubble out, after replacing it the monitor worked just fine. Both cases the blue light would stay on but the lamp wouldn"t turn on. The 22inch also has a smaller capacitor on the video board slightly bubbling, but I noticed it after putting everything back together after the transverter one was fixed. Hopefully it"ll work and if not I"ll have to replace that one also. If someone is still considering a class action, I"d love to be included just to stick it to Gateway. My monitor was $599 when I bought it. 10 dollars fixed it, when it should have been avoided in the first place.

Have a 21" HD Gateway LCD monitor (I think stands for "Likely Crap Dude") at around 18 months it just died. Occasionally will come on for 1 or 2 seconds then black screen again. The lights come on during bootup and the startup sounds play, but nothing beyond that. Gateway won"t talk to me and no repairman will touch it.

Is anyone contacting the store they purchased the monitor from? I bought my package at Office Depot in Kansas City, KS but they pretty well blew me off. Maybe some pressure on some of these chains would help get some results.

Mine just died...24" lasted about 12 months. I already have 2 22" Gateways that are problematic. Defective models are FPD2485W and FPD2185W. All are junk, but they were cheap/

OK, I am another victim. And I demand justice, man! I spend an entire day reworking and replacing all the capacitors in the monitor (which I bought 2 years ago, I"m one of the luckier ones), and it STILL WON"T WORK for longer than 5 SECONDS! I am done with Gateway for the rest of my life, and I would love to get them for as much as I can.

Same with me. 24" monitor flat screen. Just died 1 year and 3 months after purchase. Have yet to contact Gateway as I wanted to see if there were known issues. Evidently, I should have looked prior to buying :( New, it was over $500 buying direct from Gateway.

My 24" FHD2400 just died.. bought a little over 2 years ago for way too much at Best Buy. Never buying from Gateway again... Several years ago, I worked for a company that handled overflowing support calls for Gateway and the way they treated customers that spent good money on their computers is horrendous.

Now that these monitors are becoming obsolete, and prices coming down for newer/larger monitors. May be time to replace them, but for me I like to try to repair them, if you want help with this. Leave a message @, or if you have given up on it and would like to get a few bucks ,for it also.

My FPD2185W died on Friday after 2yrs, and resurrected on Sunday. I replaced 8 capacitors, 5 of which were bulging. You have to look very closely to notice the top of the caps are slightly raised (bulging), as opposed to flat. It"s a tedious job, but it can be done by even a novice like myself. Tip; Take pictures before and after you do anything, so you can refer back to them when you reassemble the monitor. Get some help, so you will have someone to hold the pieces as you disassemble the monitor without stressing the wires, and other components. Put the screws in a egg carton and number them, use them in reverse when reassembling the monitor. Practicing soldering would be a plus. You will need a desoldering iron to take the old soldering off the bad caps, and a soldering iron to put the new caps on. Total cost under $25, from Radio Shack. You gonna need patience and perseverance. You can do it, if I did! Good luck!

I purchased the entire gateway computer, The monitor now is losing power going in an out as it is being used. The VGA is what it show when it regain power this happen 2-5 mins apart. I replaced the cord but still have the problem paid over 900.00 for this computer and can"t afford to replace.

First thing I would do is try your monitor on another computer to see if it does the same thing as it does when connected to your system. This way you should know if it is just the monitor that has the problem.

I purchased gateway monitor Dec 2009 and today is May 27 2010 and it is useless it will not work at all. Gateway does not even want to talk about it. They need to be made to do something.

I purchased gateway monitor Dec 2009 and today is May 27 2010 and it is useless it will not work at all. Gateway does not even want to talk about it. They need to be made to do something.

The main problem I had was getting monitors silver frame off without damaging it, just prise it gently by sliding a flat head screwdriver down the edge lifting up the screwdriver at an angle when the frame won"t budge. I broke at least four of the plastic clips but the frame still holds on tight.

My monitor has since I bought it experience intermittently the same issue of freezing up with just the blue power light on. It finally decided to stay that way no matter how long I left it off for. I opened it up and discovered the same puffy capacitors on the power board. Called up my local tv repair and they had the model number, symptoms, and what capacitors to replace on their computer systems. Says it will be $55 if I bring in just the power board. Hopefully this will solve my issue.

My FPD2275W died yesterday. you can see the Gateway logo when it first turns on and then the screen goes so dim that it is basically black. I don"t think I"ll try to fix it myself, but I"d like to know about any possible class action lawsuit.

When you keep using these monitors after it starts it’s black screen failure warnings, you are going to find that the repair is possibly going to be much more than if you take it in for repair when first experienced, or at a cost that is above the reasonable value of the unit. (Subsequent damage to other circuits.)

You can probably get your monitor fixed at Monitor Depot in Houston TX ( for anywhere from $100 to $150, depending on the size of your monitor, plus shipping there and back -- but only if you haven"t monkeyed with it first.

Most of these Gateway monitors are repairable, and those of you who have the height adjustable stand and can rotate your monitor to profile view have something extra that you should keep, even if you decide to trash the monitor.

Hi my name is mike and i purchased a xhd3000 and im getting the banding and strobing problem that everyone that bought this monitor is having after 13 months of use This is bull shit and something needs to be dont about this

I purchased a Gateway computer & monitor. I have had nothing but trouble with the whole thing. I bought the speaker bar. It"s been one thing after another. It takes forever for my monitor to even come on. Also my monitor is black and white ever since the eztune problem. Everytime I tried to remove all of ez-tune my setup goes out. I still have the theft picture on my monitor. I am disabled and cannot believe I spent this amount of money for this piece of junk. If anyone can offer advice I would sure be thrilled. When I start to cry I know it"s time to get away from this mess.

My monitor lasted a little longer than most but this is a huge pain. I am looking into replacing the caps myself. Looks like there are quite a few people that have done it successfully. If the class action suite is still going on I would like to be a part of it. I also have a gateway laptop that is experiencing monitor/power supply issues. No more Gateway for me.

I bought my Gateway HD2200 22" LCD in Mar. 2008. I started having problembs with the screen flickering after a year and a half. Every time it started, I"d turn it off and then back on and it was fine. After several months like that (every once in a while) the monitor started to flicker more and more until I couldn"t stop it from doing it anymore. No matter how much I tried to restart my computer and also turning the monitor off and on, it was flickering every time it was on. Then at the beginning of this year, it wouldn"t stop. The monitor would flicker every couple of minutes and I"d just about had enough and called Fry"s (where I bought my monitor) to see if my warranty was still good to maybe get a repair going, but come to find out, my warranty had expired less than a month right before I made the phone call. Fry"s wouldn"t give me any assistance since my warranty was up and they wanted me to purchase a new contract or pay upfront to have their electronics to just take a look. I then resulted to Gateway myself, well, the direct number on the back of the monitor has been disconnected. The 800 number that I called suggested that I go onto their website for support. The website then stated that my item was sold to another company so they can"t help me. So today, I went onto YouTube and got some ideas as to what"s wrong with my monitor. That was all I needed, just to ask a question as to what might be wrong, but Gateway wasn"t even responsive to my wanting to ask one simple question. Instead, they wanted me to purchase a contract for help. Thanks to YouTube, hopefully all that"s wrong is the capacitors. I will go to Radio Shack and hopefully it is a simple fix as some stated.

Count me in on a class action if there is ever one. It shouldn"t be that difficult to try and figure out what might be wrong and how one can fix the problem. My monitor is still new, no dents or anything, but the flickering of the screen.

2401 moniter is just over one year and the Hdmi input has gone bad. DVI input still functions fine. But, Gateway customer service does not exist. Had a horrifying experience just registering it and all parts and repairs are farmed out to outside parties. Bestbuy is just as bad and has a corner on the market now with circuit city cashing in their chips. Bestbuy has you over a barrel and doesnt care. They just want to sell extended warrenties and new products.

2401 moniter is just over one year and the Hdmi input has gone bad. DVI input still functions fine. But, Gateway customer service does not exist. Had a horrifying experience just registering it and all parts and repairs are farmed out to outside parties. Bestbuy is just as bad and has a corner on the market now with circuit city cashing in their chips. Bestbuy has you over a barrel and doesnt care. They just want to sell extended warrenties and new products.

My Sister bought a computer without consulting me and paid over one thousand dollars for a crappy gateway machine, A few months after the warranty was up the backlight capacitors went out on her needless to say I or her will never purchase from Break-one-month-after-warranty-way.

My FPD1975W moniter was made in june 2007 needless to say it went out a fue months ago. I would not recomend GATEWAY to anyone who wants a computer. These Moniters should be replaced free of charge.But from what I see they wont. I even called the soport # and it was disconnected.S--t on gateway.

It’s been three years now from the starting of this blog. So many of you have had problems of one kind or another with your monitors, but as for any legal action no one has organized a list of those precipitating in the blog, or if thy finally got reasonable remedy. If there is any interest to actually do something, I would like to compile a list of Names, contact information, what you have done in regards of getting your monitors repaired, or just gave up the effort. Lots have stated they would like to do something but have not even given there contact information. I would like to see just how many may still like to have something done. My Contact is Sprint6 Maybe there is a way to voice our disappointment in Consumer electronics poor warranty length, and support in the future. I have learned a lot from this forum. And I actually started a new hobby repairing these monitors, for the last few years. Let’s share your comments with some contact info.

My Desktop monitor is a Gateway FPD2275W and went out recently. I opened it up and replaced 1capacitor that read "1000uf 25v" with a new one that i bought from Radio Shack that read "1000uf 35v" and now my monitor displays a message saying "Frequency Out Of Range". Is it because i didn"t replace the capacitor with one that was identical?

I have a 21 in. hd flat screen monitor. It has a bad power board that has overheated and blown the caps on the board and left a brown heat mark on the case. I smelled something like wires burning and then it just stopped working. I called Gateway and there response was being it was out of warrenty it would cost 198.00 to fix. A new one will cost 240.00. (618) 292-8314 Chris Williams 200 hickory ridge crt., 1761, centralia il. 62801

I am a victim as well. Purchased a Gateway HD 1080P 24inch widescreen monitor. Do not have the model # at the moment. Right after warranty expired the buttons on the right side of the display stopped working. They are the touch sensitive buttons, aka, not real buttons that can be pushed in. I never know when the monitor will turn on or off, I can not choose any settings, imput, nothing. Gateway of course told me to f off and take it to geeksqaud, yeah right. I have took the monitor apart myself and can not find anything wrong. No hot wires, no leaking resistor"s. No hot spot"s on the boards. No currosion in the traces. I am stumped, and gateway will not let me order parts. I can be contacted at only for this gateway monitor issue only. Thanks guys. Purchased the monitor at Best Buy.

I have a FPD2275W, 22 inch wide screen LCD I opened it and found out that it had a 1000uf 25 volts damaged capacitor so I went to a store and bought one for 60 cents and replaced it.

My 21" Gateway monitor also went out, I see that this is a problem since 2007? And has anything been done for this yet? I bought my monitor after 2007, why does Gateway continue to sell these and rip people off? I don"t understand it. I wish I had bought Dell.

My 21" Gateway monitor also went out, I see that this is a problem since 2007? And has anything been done for this yet? I bought my monitor after 2007, why does Gateway continue to sell these and rip people off? I don"t understand it. I wish I had bought Dell.

same problem here. i bought the flat screen high def monitor and it crapped out on me. i loved the picture quality and all the components that it had while it lasted but without warning it just crackles and shuts off. i also just just got off their little help chatroom on the gateway website and all they say is "sorry. take it to a local technician". you would think that with such a common problem they would give their customers a hand like micorsoft does whenever their products have recurring flaws, but nope. they just leave you hanging. hopefully this lawsuit thing goes through and gateway gets a taste of their own medicine.

Same problem w/FPD1975W monitor. Started failing after not quite 2 years. Blue power light flashes,but does not come on. Very dissappointed in quality.

I"ve got 2 of the 24" FPD2485W (LP2407) monitors. Both have been serviced repeatedly (replacing capacitors, resoldering bad solder joints). But, they keep returning to this unacceptable state of long turn-on times. I am not going to have them repaired again.

I hate to put these on ebay and explain what pieces of crap they are. Does anyone here want them? One turns on right away, gives the Gateway logo and blue buttons light up, but takes a while for the data to appear. The other just takes a LONG time to do anything, but finally comes on. The blue power light and buttons don"t light up, but the monitor does work.

gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

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gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

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gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

Thanks for looking. I have a few LCD flat panel computer monitors for sale. These are all recent off-lease removals from non-smoking corporate IT environments in the Triad area and all are in working condition. These are used so they will have normal wear you would expect from used LCD monitors. They include the necessary power cords and cabling to hook to your PC via a standard 15-pin VGA cable. Below is the list of currently available LCDs and the quantity available.

All prices are FIRM! Unless purchasing 10 or more LCDs at the same time no additional discounts for quantity purchases. You can test any of these as much as you want prior to purchasing. However with the exception of the new ones above all these off-lease LCDs are sold AS-IS. If interested and you are of legal age, please call

between the hours of 9:00AM to 6:00PM 7 days a week or simply reply to this ad with the specific LCD(s) you are interested in purchasing. If you call and get no answer please can call back or leave a message and I will call you back asap. Calls not related to purchasing these or replies to this ad with offers less that the stated asking prices, barters, trades, and other general Americanlisted spam will receive no response.

gateway fpd1975w tft lcd monitor pricelist

LCD TV vs. monitor: With their prices commonly on a par with, or even below, those of 30-inch monitors, it’s natural to wonder if using a high-definition LCD TV–such as those on our 32-inch wide-screen LCD HDTVs chart–is a worthwhile option. But beyond the sets’ lack of physical adjustments, using one as a desktop monitor has drawbacks. The native resolution of most 32-inch HDTVs, for example, is typically 1366 by 768. “In the TV world, that’s great for viewing almost any type of HD content from 720p to 1080i (interlaced) or even 1080p,” says Chris Connery, vice president of market research for analysis firm